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Thursday, August 03, 2017

Report: H.R. McMaster Fired National Security Council Official for Penning Memo on Globalists

A top official on the National Security Council was fired last month by National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster reportedly after he argued in a memo that President Trump’s administration is under sustained attack from globalists and Islamists.

Rich Higgins, a former Pentagon official who served in the NSC’s strategic-planning office as a director for strategic planning was fired on July 21, The Atlantic first reported.

The memo, written in late May, described threats to the administration by globalists, bankers, the “deep state,” and Islamists.

“Globalists and Islamists recognize that for their visions to succeed, America, both as an ideal and as a national and political identity, must be destroyed,” it said.

Higgins was called into the White House counsel’s office two weeks ago and asked about the memo. Later that week, he was told by McMaster’s deputy that he was losing his job.

The memo compared what the Trump administration was facing to a Maoist insurgency.

“In Maoist insurgencies, the formation of a counter-state is essential to seizing state power,” the memo said. “Functioning as a hostile complete state acting within an existing state, it has an alternate infrastructure. Political warfare operates as one of the activities of the ‘counter-state.’”

“Because the left is aligned with Islamist organizations at local, national, and international levels, recognition should be given to the fact that they seamlessly inter-operate through coordinated synchronized interactive narratives … These attack narratives are pervasive, full spectrum, and institutionalized at all levels. They operate in social media, television, the 24-hour news cycle in all media and are entrenched at the upper levels of the bureaucracies,” it said.

More here


  1. Sounds like a new hire for Trump! We can use people that can speak the truth and wants a Constitutional America.

  2. Kelly is the Dictator of America.

    This memo describes how Kelly took over the Government. We are post constitutional. Post Democracy. We are now in a communist dictatorship and they are nearly fully in place.

    If we do not stop it soon America will be for decades like the old USSR was. Like Venezuela is.

  3. Higgins had to be fired. We can't have people at the NSC red pilling like that, now can we?

  4. The enemy is inside the gates.

  5. What they wanted was a think tank. They got it, but punish those who do the thinking when it doesn't fit the narrative.


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