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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

REMINDER:Traffic Advisory Issued for SU Move-In Day August 24

SALISBURY, MD---The Salisbury University Police Department has issued a traffic advisory on Camden Avenue between College Avenue and Pine Bluff Road from 6 a.m.-2 p.m. Thursday, August 24, as approximately 1,200 new students and their parents come to campus for Move-In Day.

Non-University northbound traffic on Camden Avenue from the Fruitland/Eden areas that morning will be detoured onto Route 13 at the Pine Bluff Road and Camden Avenue intersection. To save time, northbound traffic may want to detour onto Route 13 one intersection sooner, at Kay Avenue, or use Riverside Drive until the detour ends at 2 p.m. Traffic should be flowing normally by early afternoon.

At the Camden and College avenues intersection, all southbound traffic will be detoured to Route 13. Those wishing to enter the Devilbiss and Blackwell parking lots on campus should turn from Route 13 onto Dogwood Drive. Traffic will be directed northbound to those lots from the Dogwood Drive and Camden Avenue intersection.

Access into the University’s Camden Parking Lot F (Blackwell lot), Camden Parking Lot E (Devilbiss lot), Route 13 Lot A, College Avenue Parking lots G and H (Conway Hall lots) and Dogwood Parking Lot D, as well as the Wayne Street parking garage, will be restricted to move-in traffic and deliveries only. All others should seek parking in the Avery parking lot.

This advisory is issued in partnership with Wicomico County Public Works, the Maryland State Highway Administration, the City of Salisbury, Salisbury Police and the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office.

For more information call University Police at 410-543-6222.


  1. Future snowflake alert

  2. I heard Jake Day has already declared a state of emergency and has his "mayor" shirt and selfie stick ready to go.

  3. 1200 new students and their parents. Hmmmmm, what about the rest of the student body (non-new), their parents AND faculty?

    Come on folks (i.e, SU), this happens EACH and EVERY year and it gets worse and worse. Not to mention a THURSDAY this year? Who makes up this schedule anyway...especially since the SU school year doesn't end until a few days before Memorial Day weekend.

    What dog/pony show are you all running over there anyway?

  4. Dont get ran over by the dirt bikes and 4 wheelers and cops on there phone

  5. Happens every year at every university in the country. If you don't like it, do some research and find a city with no college or university in the area and move there.

  6. It's Thursday every year. It's one day. Make the adjustment.

  7. Think of it this way.
    Students with daddies credit card.

  8. I am going to make a blanket statement about all young college students. They are brainwashed. They have very little life experience and very little common sense. They are too lazy to think for themselves and do their own research. They follow along with whatever is popular instead of finding out what the truth is.

    If they are fortunate enough to get a job, they want to start at the top instead of working their way up like most people did before them. They think our country is the worse on the planet and we oppress everyone we meet and makes wars just for fun.

    They think our duly elected president is a joke who has no business in the white house. They refuse to acknowledge his love for this country and won't even consider the things he has already done for the betterment of America and the American people.

    I could go on and on but I think most get my point.

  9. 6:52 - Your blanket statement is ridiculous. My three children attended college, SU in fact, and have held jobs since the age of 15. They all have great jobs and work hard for what they have and where they are in their careers. The difference, in my view, is that I did the parenting, not professors.

  10. Oh lovely.....a fresh batch of snowflakes.

  11. 9:24 Yes and their parents pay the salaries of the locals employed at SU. It is one of the top employers in DaBury along with Perdue and PRMC. And the money the spend locally supports many families working in those businesses.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    6:52 - Your blanket statement is ridiculous. My three children attended college, SU in fact, and have held jobs since the age of 15. They all have great jobs and work hard for what they have and where they are in their careers. The difference, in my view, is that I did the parenting, not professors.

    August 23, 2017 at 8:48 PM

    That's why I called it a blanket statement. There are exceptions to any blanket statement.

  13. Bring on the Girls !!!!!!!!!

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Bring on the Girls !!!!!!!!!

    August 24, 2017 at 8:36 PM

    You better be careful nowadays. Not all "girls" are girls and not all "boys" are boys. And even when you are sure, those "girls" might like girls and vice versa.


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