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Saturday, August 05, 2017

Ravens fans react to controversial tweet from Colin Kaepernick's girlfriend

BALTIMORE (WBFF) - A controversial tweet posted by the girlfriend of NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick is sparking plenty of reaction from Baltimore Ravens fans as the team considers whether to sign the polarizing player.

The Ravens are looking for a backup quarterback who could fill in for Joe Flacco, who has suffered back problems during training camp.

Kaepernick was severely criticized last year for kneeling during the national anthem prior to NFL games in protest of police brutality.



  1. Screw Kaepernick and the Ravens some things are bigger than football. Kaepernick should never even be considered that fact that he is says a lot about what the owner and coach think about think about their fans and country.I'll take a good high school quarter back over that POS Keapernick.

  2. Good Lord, there is more than one other quarterback of his talent or better in this USA! I'd rather see them run the entire season with a complete unknown and come in last than see Kopernick there.

  3. As for me, a Marylander and Ravens fan, if Baltimore hires him, I'm done with the team. No more tickets, or watching on TV. There are plenty of other teams to watch that don't have anti-American players. I will burn all my Ravens gear and start over with a patriotic team (and not the one that cheats).

  4. I can't think of any football team or any team since he is not a team player, where he would be welcome.

  5. WBAL TV in Baltimore did a poll. 74 percent against kapernick plying for the Ravens.
    It is a real problem and diversion. It's already done damage to the team. If they don't stop it, and just say he won't play there, people of Baltimore are going to let the Ravens go. People of Maryland for that matter.

  6. Does winning a game mean that much?

    take a look again at your Maryland 1812 commemorative license plate.

    Our flag was still there.

  7. The Ravens aren't the only team that passed on Kapernick. Our team shouldn't be singled out. I too, would rather train a rookie and lose all season then to have that piece of shit play.

  8. Well I'm pretty sure mocking Ray Lewis isn't going earn you any Ravens fans.

  9. Now now 425...our Ray Ray was proven innocent although very very guilty!!!!!!!

  10. Joe all kidding aside I think it's time yo use your influence. Your skill and form fall pool leagues and screw supporting NFL football and the ravens. Break it down into different skill levels for competition, consciously made it a known fact football will not be allowed during the weekly matches and send out a feed to all national networks as well to get a movement pushing back against these ignorant pro athletes of today and their disrespect to those of us that fight for their freedoms and the very rights they misuse and take for granted


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