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Friday, August 11, 2017

Punkin Chunkin in trouble

BRIDGEVILLE — One of Delaware’s most memorable traditions could be coming to an end.

Punkin Chunkin, which has seen several attendees suffer high-profile injuries in recent years, may not be continuing after this November, the group behind the event announced Thursday.

The Science Channel, which provided a quarter of the funding, dropped the event after a woman was seriously injured when an air cannon exploded in 2016.

“In life, there are uncertainties in everything we do,” World Punkin Chunkin Championship Association President Frank Payton said in a statement. “Punkin Chunkin is not an exception. 2013 or even last year could have been the last year. We know that the event will happen again in 2017, but without an outpouring of worldwide community financial support, we are in trouble.”



  1. You've had your fun and a long run, even on national tv. Now perhaps it's time to hang up your pumpkins, disassemble your launchers and go back to work.

  2. Agree with 7:40. This has gotten out of hand with people using all kinds f things to launch pumpkins. When someone is critically injured like last year. It's time to end it. Unless it's made a true competative sport like baseball or football where the risk is accepted and rules, safety and guidelines are put in place by by commissioner..
    This is done for fun and bragging rights. I'd be scared to death to go near those contraptions.

  3. Unless these machines could comply with welding inspections, standard industrial regulations and OSHA requirements, which would basically make all of them unaffordable to even create, it's all but over.

    Nice run, best redneck fun I've ever witnessed. I hate to see it go. It's where I was introduced to Capt. Morgan's and apple cider by a bunch of drunk chicks! Best drink ever for the occasion!

    Are we going to just have to settle for some nice flea markets now?

  4. Lawsuits killed the fun. It's a litigious society anymore. As soon as there was lawsuit money to be made (when the event got bigger), out came the attorneys.
    Insurance costs became prohibitive...and that was the end of it.

  5. Sadly in today's society everybody is sue crazy....make shift contraptions, pumpkins flying....almost same route of mud hops with trucks. What happened to the agreement I enter and participate at my own risk???? Sad but it's probably the last harah.....

  6. It's no worse than running of the bulls. If it's too scary for you don't come but don't ruin it for the people who want to anyway.

  7. Too many people having too much fun can not be allowed. Sad.


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