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Friday, August 11, 2017

Public schools in the state are now required to stock naloxone and add opioids to drug education

BALTIMORE - It might be a sign of the times, but the goal is to save lives. Now that message is coming to the classrooms.

"Well, I think it's appropriate, unfortunately, in today's society it's more prevalent," said Parent Mario Orlando.

"I think it's sad that society has come to a point where you have to have that available in school, honestly," Parent Christina Young said.

No one is immune to the opioid epidemic. As overdose deaths continue to spike, educators are on the front line of that battle.



  1. Watch the price skyrocket.

  2. It already has, making it almost impossible for County Health Departments and other non-profits to get it distributed and training completed. Detestable actions by the makers.

  3. 12:06 supply and demand. Most Americans value $$$ over their fellow countryman anyday.

  4. Why should any teacher have to put up with any student that is high in injectable drugs while in class? Acting up gets you kicked out, but shooting up doesn't?

    Does anyone else see anything wrong with this picture?


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