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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Professor calling Harvey ‘karma’ learns the meaning of the word shortly thereafter

The rise of left-wing bias on college campuses has been well documented. Instead of being places where students can approach topics with an open mind, America’s colleges have become more like liberal indoctrination centers. As a result, conservative views have almost become forbidden by default.

For the most part, college administrators have been content to let their faculty spew their propaganda with near impunity. However, one professor in Florida finally took things a bit too far. As most of the country was watching in horror at the events unfolding in Houston, sociology professor Kenneth Storey was busy tweeting. To him, Harvey was “karma,” since Texas had the audacity to vote for Donald Trump.



  1. It wasn't the Republicans voting for Trump that was the problem. It was the Democrat mayor that decided not to evacuate when all the forecasters were warning of devastating flooding that was the problem. How on earth did Houston end up with a Democratic mayor anyway?

  2. Oh, well, back to the coffee serving gig for him.

  3. Maybe the KARMA is For All to get along and Behave in USA !

  4. Stupid people will say stupid things. This is just as stupid as when Fallwell blamed terrorist attacks on homosexuals.

    Fallwell should immediately be discredited and disrespected for having any sort of value, and so should this professor.


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