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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Paul Craig Roberts Reminds America - "A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand"

The liberal/progressive/left are enjoying their drunkfest of denunciation. I can’t say I have ever witnessed anything like it. These are the people who sat on their hands for 16 years while Washington destroyed in whole or part seven countries. Not being satisfied with this level of warmongering and crimes against humanity, Washington orchestrated a conflict situation with Russia. Americans elected a president who said he would defuse this dangerous conflict, and the liberal/progressive/left turned on him. In contrast, one person is killed after the hated Charlottesville protest event was over, and there is endless absurd outrage against the president of the US.

Three New York Times presstitutes yesterday blamed the crisis on Trump, declaring him “increasingly isolated in a racial crisis of his own making.” Apparently, Trump is responsible for the crisis because he blamed both protest groups for the violence.

But isn’t that what happened? Wasn’t there violence on both sides? That was the impression I got from the news reporting. I’m not surprised that Trump got the same impression. Indeed, many readers have sent emails that they received the same impression of mutual violence.

So Trump is being damned for stating the truth.



  1. That is exactly why the "shadow government" of Soros, Obama and Clintons are aiming for. They are destroying Democracy.

  2. That is what the liberals want. They do not want the house to stand. They want it to fall and to be rebuilt without conservatives. I am slowly getting to the point I want the same, but rebuilt with only conservatives.

  3. The plan is to tear it down so that the rich can run it.

  4. Thanks for sharing with me your breakdown on where your hits come from Joe. I am still shocked that nearly all the hateful rhetoric comes from the shore, "the land of pleasant living".

    It seems I am surrounded by people I don't even know anymore. Sad.

  5. I believe that to many people are ignorant to the evil that has seized the country and we will be a Communist country very soon. They will be happy at first but after the false promises never come true a new rebellion will begin.

  6. The Enemys of America LOVE IT....
    They can't beat us on the battle field so they just Wait
    and Watch America be destroyed For Them (from within)

  7. Now , America is Not America as it used to be.......
    Too many are let in who should not have been allowed in....

    I will be like the Middle East enventually with everyone
    fighting everyone with more violence etc etc

    Immigration Must END ....this country is overcrowded now
    and too many let in who don't even like us here .......


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