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Sunday, August 20, 2017

One on One with Bob Culver & Greg Bassett

For the real inside scoop of what's going on from the County Executive directly, this video will explain a lot of what his office is doing for Wicomico County residents!


  1. This is explains a lot about what's going on with Culver. Bassett's right. He should do more to get the word out there about what he's been doing. He does a lot more than anyone gives him credit for, especially the council and other local news media.

  2. Mr. Culver, a breath of fresh air unlike Cannon.

  3. I would love to see more of Bob Culver and much less of John Cannon because Cannon is doing nothing for the county. He's just there for politics and not for the good of the people he's supposed to serve.

  4. John's afraid of term limits because he knows his time is spent if we had them. He's old news and pimps old ideas. There's nothing new about him at all. He's the good ole' boys gargoyle.

  5. Why doesn't Delmarva on WBOC do interviews with Culver like this? You learn a lot about everything going on from these instead of their qwippy blips that seem heavily edited and hold a leftist agenda.

  6. Local media doesn't do this man justice. Glad you posted this Joe.

  7. Heyyyyyy
    Rick pollitt this is how it's done.fool.

  8. Shame others around town slam this guy. He seems pretty upright to me. People here believe rumors and gossip queens becuase theyre idiots. Simple minds. My vote is with Culver.

  9. Good stuff Mr Culver.

  10. When the ballot issue came up some years ago about the position of a county executive I voted against. I thought it was a waste of tax payer money. I continued to feel that way till Culver took over. Jake please take note...

  11. Culver needs to do talks like this!

  12. Amen 720. He needs to do a lot of them. Too many bad people talk crap about him that isn't true.

  13. Anonymous said...
    When the ballot issue came up some years ago about the position of a county executive I voted against. I thought it was a waste of tax payer money. I continued to feel that way till Culver took over. Jake please take note...

    August 19, 2017 at 5:41 PM

    You can't be serious! This form of government costs way too much money.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Why wait 2 years for Jake to move out of the government building? The city has defaulted on the rent a long time ago, they don't pay their fair share of the cap expenditures on the building and have the audacity to charge county employees to park in their assigned spaces. Let Jake go set up off in one of those mold and asbestos corroded store fronts on the plaza. If it's good for the merchants and lawyers who rent them why not for Jake. Culver's right. It's time they were in two separate places! High time.

  16. Culver's a class act. All the crap Day & Cannon talk about him and he's always gracious. They could use some lessons from him on how to be a real man of substance and character.

  17. Heard the city of Salisbury has given name of state department to folks in the county to get state help to sue the county for flooding issues.
    Watch your back bob

  18. 822 spreading more BS fake news? This is how idiotic rumors and hysteria spread. Know it when you see it.

  19. 821 Culver has saved money not wasted it. Get a clue. You didn't even watch the video and its painfully obvious.

  20. Everyone in Wicomico should watch this but it is an hour. Worth the hour if you want to be informed and vote wisely.

  21. Some people will never be satisfied by anything Culver does because they're malcontents against everything he does. He should just keep working for the citizens and forget about the ones who naysay everything. They're only voicing their stupidity for the world to see.

  22. Good job bob . Was wanting to hear more on the fire service but that's fine . Still would love to know why boy mayor has say on county area.


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