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Saturday, August 26, 2017

NYC Peter Stuyvesant statue latest memorial in statue war

The war on statues continues to expand its scope, and now a New York statue of Peter Stuyvesant is the target of ire, following a call for the removal of a statue of Christopher Columbus.

After Mayor Bill DeBlasio said he would erase all 'symbols of hate' in the city a Jewish activist group is calling for the removal of the Peter Stuyvesant statue in Manhattan and all traces of the Dutch governor and director general of the colony of New Netherland, which would later be named New York by the English.

'Peter Stuyvesant was an extreme racist who targeted Jews and other minorities including Catholics and energetically tried to prohibit them from settling in then New Amsterdam,' said Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, the head of the Shurat HaDin-Israel Law Center told the New York Post.



  1. You can't change history but as Orwell said you can erase it. Stupid.

  2. knock them all down. After the Civil War, we'll put them all back up.

    Get ready to fight for your life soon.


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