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Thursday, August 03, 2017

NY Deputies Knock On Veterans Door, Tell Him He’s Mentally Ill And Confiscate His Guns- They Were Wrong

A 70-year-old Vietnam veteran was minding his own business watching television in his Taberg, New York, home when law enforcement knocked on his door, walked in, and then seized his firearms.

The veteran, Don Hall, was then told by the deputies that they had a right to take his guns, saying he had a record of mental issues. They took his handguns, then had the nerve to ask him if he had any long guns, then took those also.

Hall, needless to say, was absolutely bewildered as to how they came to that conclusion, and he tried to think back to what he could have said or done in the last 70 years that had anything to do with mental issues.

He was flabbergasted and told the media “I was guilty until I could prove myself innocent. They don’t tell you why or what you supposedly did. It was just a bad screw-up”



  1. and that is why you don't register your firearms or let anyone know if you have any.

  2. HIPAA Violation gone wrong!

    The correct guy should sue for mishandling of his information!

  3. Hell of a way to thank a veteran

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    and that is why you don't register your firearms or let anyone know if you have any.

    August 3, 2017 at 1:25 PM:

    Especially doctors, when they ask if you own any firearms. I've been asked by my primary care physician, and I tell her that I won't answer her question, and that I think it is an invasion of my privacy that she asked. She responded that "they" require her to ask, but I am not required to answer. She hasn't asked me again, but I'm just waiting for the next doctor to ask.

  5. Taberg, NY??

    You'd have a hard time to find a house in this little hamlet of 3500 people that doesn't have firearms. This is a place surrounded by trout streams and forests full of game, including deer and black bear.

  6. Horrible mix up. Although it does not sit well with me that those with a history of mental illness can stockpile guns. Double edged sword then I guess

  7. Especially doctors, when they ask if you own any firearms. I've been asked by my primary care physician, and I tell her that I won't answer her question, and that I think it is an invasion of my privacy that she asked. She responded that "they" require her to ask, but I am not required to answer. She hasn't asked me again, but I'm just waiting for the next doctor to ask.

    August 3, 2017 at 1:47 PM

    Yeah, I have had that happen to me also. I forget the exact answer I gave but it was neither affirmative or negative. I did let them know what I thought of them asking and what I thought of them "having to ask". No drama involved. They knew what I was getting at and they understood or seemed to. Kind of a shrug of the shoulders thing.

    I hate the gov't stands between my doctor and me in other areas as well and they don't like it either.

    But I'm a weird kind of fellow anyway and my doc knows it. It took some time for him to understand me but after he did we have a much better relationship. Even agreeing with me on some things. I have no filter as my wife likes to tell me. Whatever pops up in my brain comes straight out of my mouth. Most of it is funny when we look back on it but at the time it can cause some "moments". lol

  8. Glad this vet is not mental, looks like a hand full at his age. Lol

  9. Our government is out of control.

  10. He might be mentally ill, but im sure he earned that right being in the good ol armed forces where ur liable to be left high and dry

  11. Sounds like a LEO entity acting more on suspicion than real evidence. Real evidence is NEEDED in such a raid just to protect the officers if for no other reason!.


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