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Tuesday, August 01, 2017

NEWSBen Carson Exposes $500 Billion In Government WASTE…Guess Who’s Going DOWN For It?

One of the main targets that liberals have zeroed in on is the new Housing and Urban Development secretary, Ben Carson.

Critiques of Trump’s pick stated Ben Carson is merely a surgeon with no government experience, and therefore isn’t suited for the position.

But Carson just proved all of them wrong with this recent discovery that Obama’s former HUD secretary, Julian Castro, mysteriously missed.

President Trump picked Carson to head the Department of Housing and Urban Development, whose budget grew by leaps and bounds under Barack Obama.



  1. You go Dr. Ben Carson!! Don't let them get to you.

  2. Ben is a man of the people!
    wish him the best!

  3. Put it ALL over Fox.

  4. Protect this man, our Country needs him bigly!

  5. If the people in this country really knew how much taxpayer money is wasted they would be shocked.
    The professional class politicians from both parties bloat the government staffs with overpaid useless idiots that vote.

  6. Talk about special council, since this is a crime. All involved needs to have all assets confiscated and locked up for life day for day without parole.

  7. This is so great – everyone is caught up in Russia Russia Russia and Scaramucci and all the other empty zany stuff going on and the whole time Mr. Carson is silently doing his job that he was put in position to do while everybody forgot that he was in the administration and he produces! What an absolute complete winner and helping the President to Make America Great Again! That is how it should be.

  8. MAGA! Thanks, Ben!


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