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Thursday, August 03, 2017

New Campaign Teaches How To Help When A Muslim Is Harassed

Signs are everywhere these days urging Americans "If you see something, say something." Now, in Boston, new posters are going up that urge residents to go a step further and intervene if they see Islamophobic harassment. From a distance, it looks like a cute cartoon, until you read the bold black headline – "What to do if you are witnessing Islamophobic harassment." Below is a giant comic strip showing a young woman watching as a burly guy grimaces at a woman in a long dress and hijab.

"It is a sign of really frightening times," says 59-year-old Diane Shufro, who did a double take as she passed one of the posters on the side of a bus stop in Boston. But she says she's heartened to see city officials encouraging people to be involved. "I hope it gets people thinking," she says.

Step one, the poster implores: "Ignore the attacker." In other words, don't even make eye contact. Instead, the poster instructs, start talking to the person being attacked — about anything.



  1. I read the sign.....pivot on right foot and just walk away!!!!

  2. I've seen it firsthand. Not fun to be harassed simply because of your religion.

  3. step 1, bring popcorn. step 2, bring out your cell phone video camera, step 3, share on social media.

  4. I don't think all Muslims are bad people. I

  5. Wait a minute - they all want to kill us, and if someone wants to harass them, that's fine with me.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I don't think all Muslims are bad people. I

    August 3, 2017 at 2:23 PM

    I think you are mistaken. They refuse to assimilate. Remember a few years back with the Boston bombings? Muslim neighbors knew they were up to something but did not tell anyone. Does that make them bad?

    I keep to myself, try to mind my own business, and usually don't get involved with petty crap. At the same time, I would have no problem whatsoever with shooting anyone who even looked like they would cut off my head or do harm to anyone near me. And someone with their face covered would be my first target.

    1. How many good cops tolerate a corrupt cop on their force and don't speak up. Does that mean police need to "assimilate". Can you show me a video of 7 good Muslims standing around a terrorist building a bomb? Cause I just watched 7 "good" cops stand around watching one plant evidence on an innocent man, which could have ruined his whole life, and HAS ruined the lives of countless people before him. I'm more afraid when I see a cop in my rearview than when I see a guy in a turban.

  7. This is brain washing weak minds...like college graduates.

  8. so what are they gonna do about all the christians and jews harassed and killed in their home countries? oh that doesn't count right?


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