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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Navy’s Report on Fitzgerald Collision Is Evidence Of Corruption

Two months after the USS Fitzgerald’s June 18 collision with a freighter in the Sea Of Japan, the Navy announced that the ship’s commanding officer, executive officer, and senior enlisted man were being relieved of their positions. It cited “loss of confidence” in them, and released a lengthy report on what happened aboard the ship after the collision. That report, however, contains no hint of accusation of improper or insufficient behavior on anyone’s part. It is silent about what actions on the part of the Fitz led to the collision in the first place, citing “continuing investigation.”

But the indisputable facts about the ship’s courses, speeds, and decisions prior to the collision were in the Navy’s hands the moment that it returned to Yokusuka, if not before. In sum the Navy, by punishing officers whose responsibility was merely formal and by avoiding discussion of who made what actual decisions, suggests to the attentive reader by what it says and by what it withholds, that it is hiding its own corporate responsibility.



  1. Hate to say again and again , obama had a pretty successful 8 years destroying this country from within.

  2. Appears to be an inside job that eliminates another Battle Ship available to protect US interest.

  3. 8/22/17 12:42pm


  4. 1242:

    "by punishing officers whose responsibility was merely formal and by avoiding discussion of who made what actual decisions..."

    Isn't it ironic you blame this on a President based off a story that wants to directly avoid laying blame on the senior officers actually piloting the ship? So the ones commanding the ship weren't at fault; it was the guy that ceased sitting at the top of the chain of command months before the accident. You guys' anti-Obama hysteria has been the most funny outcome of the 2008 election.

    1. Nothing funny about obama dropping bombs on women and kids for 8 years but YOU DEMOCRATS are the party of the kkk so it doesn't surprise me!!

  5. I'm at a loss to understand why the master chief petty officer of the ship was fired, unless there was some convincing evidence that enlisted leadership was lacking that led to a downturn in effectiveness at the helm.

  6. Could it be the Navy doesn't want us to know that this could possibly be done by a satellite orbiting the earth using an electromagnetic device???


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