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Thursday, August 03, 2017

More than 6,300 stores are shutting down -- here's the full list

Retailers are closing thousands of stores following years of declines in sales and customer traffic.

Some retailers have released lists of which of their locations will be closing. To find out if a store near you is shutting down, click on the retailers in the following list:


  1. Another sign that Amazon will rule the world - VERY shortly!

  2. And we are subsidizing Amazons shipping why?

  3. The US economy is being stage managed by Wall Street.
    Even while Mr. Trump touts the incredible heights of the Stock Market, nobody in the MSM seems willing to identify the "how" of this feat: Central Bank debt creation. The Stock Market is being primed by the creation of fiat currencies which are being destroyed in order to perpetuate the fake story of a sound economy.

    The levels of debt in the world have never been higher. We are in uncharted territory.
    There are many economists speaking the truth about the orchestrated false economy.
    I suggest that the readers educate themselves and get ready for the inevitable collapse.

    Katherine Austin-Fitts
    Greg Hunter (Watchdog USA)
    Eric King (King World News)
    Paul Craig Roberts
    David Stockman
    Stephen Leeb
    Gregory Mannarino
    many others . . .

    Thank you

  4. Why shop at a mall when you can order online?

  5. Hmm decline in sales and traffic. People are too dumb to see the writing on the wall. Its not about brick and mortar. There is no money to spend when a larger % of you pay is just paying for housing and utilities.

    Coincidence that car sales are also in the gutter as well as retail? Restaurants are also down, but the guberment is telling you that unemployment is at an all time low?


    And just in time for fuel prices to jack up, because we are building up to the winter rip off season!! Jacked up 10 cents over the weekend and not a peep from anyone.

  6. 9:30
    Correct. That's EXACTLY why all the brick and mortar stores are failing.
    Nowadays when people do shop at traditional stores, many of them have the internet in their hand checking value and pricing on in-store items.
    In virtually every case, Amazon can and will give a better price, with the only drawback waiting an extra day for the item. (Plus free shipping on "Prime" - which is the absolute best consumer deal possible!)
    That list of corporations are the ones that didn't quite see it coming, and failed to make the adjustments to today's technology.
    Here's an interesting question: What will become of the massive amounts of land that comprise thousands of malls around the country? Quite possibly a real estate boom like this country has never seen!

  7. How many stores have opened during the same period? This is half a story.

  8. 9:49
    Your point of view is tainted by living on the eastern shore. People are making pl money and jobs are plentiful almost everywhere but here.

    1. Why do I care about "everywhere" else...?
      This is where I live, where I have a mortgage and a family to raise. What's happening everywhere else is inconsequential. What's happing here is pertinent.

  9. 2:43 AM Actually yours is. You keep believing that. I follow several "groups" of communities I have lived in, in various states and ALL of them are saying the same thing. Stagnant wages, rising cost of housing/utilities/food, no healthcare and closing businesses.

    Keep drinking that koolaid.

    There are more communities suffering, and only a few that are thriving (or more importantly, advertising is telling you they are thriving).

  10. It's not all online shopping. Most people really don't have much disposable income left to go shopping after paying for expenses and groceries. For most people, including me, there is very little left after expenses for purchasing and luxuries. That is why stores like Dollar General, The dollar Tree, and Walmart are doing well. They cater more to the poor. The middle class is shrinking and jobs don't pay what they used to.
    The economy is not as great as the government reports. If it was, most of these retail stores and malls would be booming. Look around here in Salisbury, Goodwill is always crowded, as well as the discount stores like dollar tree. When you don't have much left over, you go to places where you dollar stretches farther. Can't do this at a Boscov's or Macy's

  11. We are returning to the old days of catalog shopping. Stores that will survive with have to offer free ship to store or a kiosk or free shipping like Amazon. Walmart has already started doing this and others are starting to do the same. If you can find an item cheaper online with free shipping, you are foolish not to buy it online and save on gas as well! I will like to go to a store to purchase clothing. It's a pain to return something that does not fit if you buy it online. People are trying to make their money stretch and somethings you have to cut out the middle man to save money and buy direct from the supplier. This is nothing new. I used to be the purchasing manager for the I.T. department for the company I used to work for. You could sometimes save more than 50% buying directly from the manufacturer.

  12. Most if not all those stores had an online presence. So what's the next excuse.

    I know a community where the JCPenny store is closing despite, per the company's admission, it was a profitable store.

  13. Malls are drying up all over the country. Who has time for shopping as a pass time ? The parking the crowds the ill mannered retail help. I would rather order something I need online and not be bothered and do something fun outdoors. Same goes for eating out. People waste a lot of time and money as distracted self pampering hyper consumers. There are far more interesting things in life.


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