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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Monument To Christopher Columbus Vandalized

A Baltimore monument to Christopher Columbus has been vandalized, Baltimore Brew reports.

The 225-year-old monument is believed to be the oldest monument to the explorer still standing. Though it's unclear when the vandalism took place, a video was posted Monday depicting the act.

"Christopher Columbus symbolizes the initial invasion of European capitalism into the western hemisphere," the narrator, possibly the vandal himself, says in the video. "Columbus initiated a centuries-old wave of terrorism, murder, genocide, rape, slavery, ecological degradation and capital exploitation of labor in the Americas."
The vandal is seen taking a sledgehammer to the memorial's inscription, which read "Sacred to the Memory of Chris. Columbus Oct. XII MDCC VIIIC." Others at the scene taped signs to the monument that read things like "The future is racial and economic justice."



  1. oh boy now they are in big trouble.. mafia is gonna start issuing cement shoes to these losers

  2. How in the hell are these people not in jail??
    And who gave them the authority to destroy hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of PUBLIC property and TAKE PICTURES, too?!
    Who do they believe they are, deciding which parts of history they will ALLOW us to know or see?
    These spoiled, ignorant and arrogant baboons don't know who won WWII, can't tell you the name of their Senators, couldn't tell you what the Renaissance was, or just about ANYTHING in history (except that Jefferson was a slave holder, of course). Yet they think WE need instruction.
    We are in trouble.

    Keep cheering.

  3. Libs days are coming.

  4. If you want to watch a big sh** storm, let someone damage the King monument in DC, they will go nuts!

  5. idiots probably thought it was a civil war monument.

  6. It's a shame it didn't fall on them. Of course that would have been Trump's fault


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