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Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Michelle Obama’s school lunch guru indicted for stealing money from school lunch program

Do you ever find yourself wondering why and how the liberals fell in love with Michelle and Barack Obama? I do, and today is one of those times when I am scratching my head — what was America thinking voting for this couple? That said, I really hope you share this article because it will get virtually no play with the mainstream media.

Back in 2014, Michelle Obama invited a food services director from California to the White House for a round table discussion. Reportedly, the first lady wanted to pick the guy’s brain for ideas and suggestions on how to get school kids to eat healthier.

The guys’s name is David Binkle. If you live in Los Angeles, this name is probably very familiar to you because he’s making headlines this week.

Binkle has been indicted for stealing $65,000 in public funds. You have to laugh, or perhaps cry, when you think about how Michelle Obama and her husband have a knack for circling themselves with losers.



  1. Such an evil looking person!


  2. He did it for the children?

  3. Like attracts like.

  4. She can't help looking evil because she is evil.

  5. She has a heart filled with hate. It's sad.

  6. Lib/Dem - NOT surprised a bit

  7. Worst First Lady EVER!!!!! She was a dishonor to our country.

  8. The look on her face in that picture says it all. It is a look of disgust. When have you ever seen that look on any other first lady's face? She is expressing how she feels about America; the same place that elected her husband to the highest office in the land, and gave her a lifetime of the most lavish lifestyle imaginable. She is the one that is disgusting to Americans that love their country, like marriage, for better or worse.


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