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Saturday, August 26, 2017

Media fear Trump will inspire violence against reporters

Many in the national media are worried that President Trump's continued broadsides against the press will inspire violence against reporters, even as vocal opponents of the White House on the Left have encouraged assault or directly attacked some journalists.

On Trump's rhetoric, New York Times media columnist Jim Rutenberg asked Wednesday night, "How long before someone is seriously hurt, or worse?"

Jim VandeHei, founder of the news website Axios, told Rutenberg for his column that Trump is directly "putting reporters at real risk of retribution or violence."

Trump has long complained about the media's coverage of him as being "unfair" and "fake" but he turned up his aggression during a campaign-style rally Tuesday in Phoenix. There, he vented about the press being "divisive" following the violence in Charlottesville, Va.

"I really think they don't like our country," Trump said of reporters. "I really believe that." He called them "sick people" for not giving him sufficient credit in his denunciation of white supremacists.



  1. Conservatives, except for the minuscule number of truly mentally deranged ones, don't go for whacking on journalists. That seems to be exclusively reserved for the Liberal factions, both here and especially abroad, to which, perhaps only coincidentally, a disproportionate number of mentally ill claim membership.

  2. Are they exempt from harm. Police aren't why should a reporter be. If they report the truth there will still be some that believe them and others won't. I'm not exempt from attacks while roaming about this city of Salisbury. They could hire a body guard, I prefer Smith & Wesson.

  3. If I was the MSM i would worry more about the terrorist left that they are in bed with.

  4. Hurricane Harvey was the first that I know of to display violence against reporters.Why do they stand there in 100 MPH winds anyway? Just because Lieutenant Dan did it does not mean they have to.

  5. Another opportunity for some leftist antifa's to act out on reporters and blame "white whatevers". Now that it's been proposed out loud...

  6. Reports do not "git" a pass for anything or anyone. Spew lies, well you will "git" called out. Tell the truth and watch as people pave a safe walkway for you!

    Common sense please!

  7. They are gonna get themselves hurt not Trump! They WANT someone to read that subliminal message to go do something so they have something to cry victim over. We shouldn't be worried about radical islamic terror or MS-13, we NEED to protect our incompetent reporters!!!

  8. lol. The media should be more concerned with the people finally waking up and seeing the media for what it actually is and it ain't good. The media is a tool for the few people that own it and script what the anchors say. You can tune into two different stations on two separate networks and they are saying the exact same thing. Coincidence?

  9. The media inspires violence against them and personally I'd like to see it because they deserve it.

  10. You mean the same way the media is inspiring violence against Conservatives by broadsiding truth, justice, and the American way???

  11. 6:12, what country do you live in and what flavor is the cool-aid there?

    Poor child, you need an intervention. Seek help.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    6:12, what country do you live in and what flavor is the cool-aid there?

    Poor child, you need an intervention. Seek help.

    August 26, 2017 at 8:04 PM

    Which network do you work for? lol


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