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Tuesday, August 01, 2017

McMaster Caught Privately Communicating WH Internal Politics to Deep State McCabe

Sara Carter of Circa News is reporting that sources are telling her that NatSec Advisor, H.R. McMaster has been communicating White House internal politics to Deep State Acting FBI Director Andy McCabe. Carter then implied that more White House shake-ups are perhaps on the horizon.
Investigating: sources say,"McMaster has been communicating WH internal politics 2 Acting FBI director Andy McCabe." More shake-ups?
The Trump base will be happy to hear this.
Investigative reporter Mike Cernovich wrote McMaster’s time is running out. Cernovich has been reporting for months that McMaster is on the globalist’s agenda and secretly working against President Trump’s ‘America First’ plans.


1 comment:

  1. Trump is draining the swamp! Feeding info he wants leaked to certain people then catching them in the act! LOL!

    Catching idiots can be fun!


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