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Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Maxine Waters: Trump Is The Most "Deplorable" Person I've Ever Met

Maxine Waters was, famously, the first member of Congress to call for President Donald Trump’s impeachment long before Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia began.

And though no concrete evidence has surfaced to justify impeachment or collusion, Waters has kept up her attacks on Trump, saying onMSNBC that she believes both parties will band together to fire the president once Mueller successfully produces his smoking gun – whatever it may be – which should be happening any day now, she said.

According to Waters, Trump is a “deplorable” person who should’ve triggered more red flags in the intelligence community.



  1. I'm curious if anyone will be on the hook for making false accusations like a false police report?

  2. What a total racist whack job idiot! Without any reason or concrete evidence of any wrongdoing of any description, she rants on with her racist banter of hate.

    That's all it is! Just unreasonable hate!

    Any white person from any walk of life who acted in this manner towards any politician of any color would be hung from the highest legal tree available in today's world.

    She needs to retire to the Funny Farm.

  3. “We’ve been talking about this president becoming presidential or transitioning long enough. It’s not going to happen. He’s a flawed man with no real values or no real appreciation or understanding of Government or public policy I have no real hopes that anybody will be able to restrain him or get him to change.”

    Which is exactly why We The People elected him!! Tired of career politicians who may talk smart but never follow through on promises. Trump is trying. Sure he is crass and tweets to much but he is the President!! Can not believe this woman is still holding office. She is the one who should be recalled!
    Still can not believe after all this time people still are not giving Trump more support. If after 4 years more people think he did such a bad job then vote him out. Until then, get off his back and let him do his job without distractions from idiots like Maxine Waters. GO TRUMP!!

  4. The secret service spent $13,500 on golf carts alone on this past trip. How is this not illegal?

    1. Obama Crooked BastardoAugust 10, 2017 at 10:22 AM

      Michele Obama spent $150,000 for 3-day weekend vacation with kids and their "Entourage" in Aspen, Colorado few years back. How is that not illegal?

  5. If Mouthy Max wan'ts to see a deplorable person, all she has to do is look in a mirror

  6. 10:54 To your point. WE THE PEOPLE elected Donald Trump to be president. Ever since JFK was assassinated it was deemed that the Secret Service would be funded to protect the president - no matter which party he's from. get over it.

  7. Oh Maxine, pleassssseee. He is doing the job we asked of him, whether you like it or not. Go ahead and start your coup....the wrath will be on you and the likes of you.

  8. Prove it 10:54....if true do you think the president tweeted he needed and wanted them or maybe it is White House policy. They were probably his carts and donated to agents. Knowing how President Donald J. Trump carries himself, he would tell the agents take one home. He is a generous guy that you must be very jealous of.
    Back to the post.This vile black thing can't help her actions because of dumbness.

  9. She's just playing to her ignorant base....and they're loving it!

  10. I agree with 10:33 pm and most of the other comments here. I am one of the "basket of deplorables" and while I cringe a bit at the next salvo from Trump I still think his anti establishment rhetoric is refreshing. I also think the DNC is letting Maxine rant as a surrogate mouthpiece so they don't have to get their hands dirty and I don't think anyone takes her seriously. After all, she is a moon bat.

  11. Look at yourself in the mirror, Maxine. You are the most disgusting person I have never met.

  12. Here we go with Hillary's favorite word again "deplorable" this lady and I used the word loosely belongs in an institution with Hillary.

  13. No maxine I'm the deplorable one, I voted for him.

  14. Obama Crooked BastardoAugust 10, 2017 at 11:36 AM

    Ouch! Maxine Maxie-Pad Waters opened her big mouth again? Deplorables, the word the Democ-rats use to identify their Superiority over us, the Peasants. Maxie-Pad will tell how she knows whats best for the rest of us. And while she is living in her celebrity style mansion, those black folks in Cali, who she claims to represent, are still poor and broke. On top of that Maxie's daughter is being paid salary of 150,000/yr. for mailing Democ-rat Propaganda flyers, of course. Hey, California voters, we beg you to keep Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi, those witches of the West, at home, not allowing them to board any plane going east. Term limits and retirement is badly needed.

  15. he is deplorable to them because he is an outsider who has no experience and is doing a better job than all of them and making them look bad at the same time.

    that is why they hate him so much and they are scared of him and what he is doing.


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