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Saturday, August 05, 2017

Massive Hole In The Sand Found Yesterday In Dewey Beach

Yesterday evening we found a 6ft. deep hole on the beach. We want to remind people that digging holes deeper than knee height of the person digging is prohibited & holes should be filled in. Sand collapses have killed dozens of people in the U.S. and injure many more. Large holes are also dangerous for emergency vehicles on the beach and keeps the beach rake tractor from properly cleaning the beach. Please Share.


  1. There goes that idiots statement that you can't dig 4 feet deep without hitting water.

  2. It looks like a copy-cat was trying to kill someone else by digging deep hole and leaving it for some unsuspecting tourist to fall in and die like in O.C.

    1. Exactly, i just said the same thing. STUPID IDIOTS!!!!

  3. There's some sick people out there. I'm sure they heard about last week's death. Sad, but you can never be too careful.

  4. As ridiculous as it sounds, you need to basically carry a utility belt like Batman to venture out in public today. Phone, mace, a concealed weapon (taser or gun), pocket knife and/or tool unit, whistle, flashlight, windshield breaker, etc. One could add dozens of items to the list. In this area, anti shark repellent is not as silly as it was in the movie.
    In this case, not even a grappling hook would likely get you out. Not very fashionable either, but neither is dying. This shows that maybe added beach patrols is needed, and not just there. It took time to dig this, someone should have seen it and reported it, especially after last week's events. At the very least, it really shows a lack of immanent presence of authorities on the beach. This seems intentional and a copy cat like 6:09 stated.

  5. This should be a wake up to the beach cleaners of all resorts. PLEASE inspect all holes you suspect before driving over them. Yeah, the Towns who pay you to do the cleanup may end up paying your more for working slower but, isn't it worth saving a life?

  6. This happens every single year and every single beach/resort. Unfortunately it (disaster) hit home.

    Keep building OC...more and more and more. Oh yeah, you too Fenwick Island....greed greed greed

  7. It's the RUSSIANS !!!!!!!! coming to getcha !!!!

  8. why would anyone even want to dig a hole that deep to begin with?

  9. Have there been any tremors? Wonder if we we'll need to call and Kevin bacon to come take care of whatever's digging those holes.

  10. How's the minimum wage and Hardly any new jobs working out for you? LOL

  11. People don't need to be afraid of sharks this year. They need to be afraid of stupid people.


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