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Monday, August 21, 2017

Links For The Solar Eclipse


NASA has put together links to live feeds so you can watch the solar eclipse at different locations and times.

Click on a location on the map and scroll back up to see the live feed from that location. 


  1. CNN is reporting that the sun is leaving due to its dislike for Trump!

  2. Let's see some proof of that 1:23.

    1. 4:17. He saw that on Faux(Fox) News.

  3. 4:17 its called "Satire" you are why this country is going to hell, get out of your mom's basement every now and then.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    4:17 its called "Satire" you are why this country is going to hell, get out of your mom's basement every now and then.

    August 21, 2017 at 4:48 PM

    This country is going to hell for a variety of reasons, one of which is the inability of people to be civil to one another.


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