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Friday, August 18, 2017

Liberals Destroying America


  1. Hmmm...a statue gifted to America by the French as a token of a new friendship after helping us win the Revolutionary War vs. statues glorifying generals and confederates that actively fought to overthrow the US government and would die to preserve slavery. You take your pick :)

    1. And we're all democrats! Then you MUST agree the Democratic Party needs to be shut DOWN at once and ALL MONEY stopped in the party CORRECT?? Already 200k signatures online ageeeing. Will YOU sign??

  2. Democratic party needs to be destroyed not just shut down. Another option, splitting country between the liberals and real conservatives. Not conservatives like McCain, Graham, Ryan ....!!

  3. Liberals and their media are using racism as a tool to steal America's identity and replace it with their own ideology where their in charge and the rest of us are slaves.

  4. When are Republicans going to start tearing down dems s..t .

  5. I think the South was fighting for States Rights because of the over reaching Federal government. If they had a crystal ball and could see what's going on today they would have fought a little harder and probably won.

  6. The eight years of a racist black president at the helm of our country has put the wheels in motion for another civil war. Obama has divided us as no other since Lincoln.

  7. Dems better finish their agenda quickly because College Football starts in a couple weeks and the NFL regular season begins the week after Labor Day.

    JUST SAYIN!!!!!!

  8. all smoke and mirrors to cover up the DNC and Wikileaks latest bombshell.


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