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Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Leftists who once despised McCain cheer him as hero

Not long ago, Sen. John McCain was reviled by leftists as a war-mongering hothead, but now he’s their hero, thanks to his vote to preserve Obamacare.

The left-wing feminist group UltraViolet announced Monday that it would fly a plane banner over Phoenix to thank the Arizona Republican for his vote last week against the so-called “skinny repeal” of the Affordable Care Act.

UltraViolet also plans to fly banners to thank GOP Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine, but the about-face on Mr. McCain was especially striking, given that he was the left’s top target when he ran for president against Democrat Barack Obama in 2008.

Mr. McCain’s position also wasn’t a sure thing leading up to the early Friday vote, while Ms. Collins and Ms. Murkowski had made their opposition known.

“Senator John McCain is a man of his word and a true hero,” said liberal Hollywood director Rob Reiner on Twitter. “Compassion and heart wins the day.”



  1. Just goes to show what flip flops there are out there, they don't know what they stand for one minute to the next. I am sorry he was a prisoner of war and what he endured but I don't believe in him the man, I lost that respect when he ran for president.

  2. This is the new meaning of the term, MAVERICK?

    Thanks a lot Mr. McCain.

  3. More of the same crap. Party ties are valued over the people in your eyes.


  4. Meathead endorses McMoron. Spare us from both.

  5. Google songbird McCain, President Trump was right, McCain is no hero! Thanks for nothing Johnny wet start!


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