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Monday, August 21, 2017

Kaepernick Makes Black History Smithsonian Before Clarence Thomas

Free agent NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick will be featured in a Black Lives Matter collection at the National Museum of African American History and Culture, museum curators announced this weekend.

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, the nation’s longest-serving black justice, remains absent from the museum.

USA Today Sports reports items belonging to Kaepernick will be incorporated into the museum’s Black Lives Matter collection. The quarterback became a symbol of the nation’s complicated racial politics and social relations when he declined to stand for the national anthem during the 2016 NFL season. The quarterback said his gesture signaled solidarity with the BLM movement.



  1. In 2017 this makes perfect sense. In another 25 years trying to explain what he did to get this honor would be a challenge.

  2. Hahaha I know one thing he ain't getting his name on... A ravens jersey and contract

  3. Look at his parents he is the biggest fraud in the news and perpetrating black face since his fame began.

  4. We need to not give this fool any more air time!!

  5. I don't understand the results of integration. National Museum of African History and Culture? This is like Black Student Union's being formed after enrolling in segregated schools. These things go on and on. In simple terms, blacks insisted on going to school and every where else and when they got there they wanted to separate from Caucasians. That suits me just fine, but in today's climate shouldn't I be offended as a white person? I'm not....lol

  6. Black Lives Matter collection... Pride is a fools fortress.

  7. BLM should not even be there. Racist terrorist group

  8. Clarence Thomas is conservative - he doesn't fit into their narrative.

  9. 7:07 AM Look at his parents? WTH does that mean? They didn't take a knee. Ignorant comment.

    The guy has a good message, his delivery was bad.
    He wasn't a thug growing up, he didn't rob and kill people.

    I am white.

    If any of you two brain cell fools tried reading up on the issues instead of glugging in the MSM Koolaid, you would see the truth.


  10. Mixed up bunch.

    He, a total beneficiary of our system, from his white adoptive parents through free college and multi-million dollar contracts for a few weeks work for a couple of years before his production dropped.

    They, a PC blinded bunch focused solely, it appears, on their race have beclowned themselves by this action on behalf of a mixed-race whiner.

    He's made his 'brand' toxic by his disrespectful actions which have royally ticked (being nice here) the majority of NFL fans (aka paying customers). In what other venue are customers expected to continue patronizing after persistent bad experiences? Restaurant, mechanic, lawyer, dry-cleaner, shoe store, etc?

    The fans pushed back last year, and at the cash register the NFL took notice. Each club since had the opportunity to weigh what on-the field performance he might add against the PR nightmare he will cause. Some apparently have nibbled at offering a back-up slot at back-up pay; reputedly he views himself as the epitome and has declined to sign.

    Black QBs were rare a few decades back; now they are common. Some good, some bad, some so-so. Same for black lawyers, doctors, cops, etc. Same as all others. The opportunity to progress also brings with it the opportunity to be mediocre and the opportunity to fail. We're there, which is evidence that we're close to that level playing field that gets talked about.

    49ers ignored his actions last year; if they never win another game that will be just fine. Oddly enough his best prospects probably lie in Canada due to rules differences in the game and his blend of skills. And he can ignore the US Flag to his heart's content without getting anybody upset.

    Justice Thomas, on the other hand, grew up in grinding poverty in the Deep South as the Civil Rights era was beginning. His is an inspirational story but since he's not a blind follower of liberal doctrine the Kool-Aid drinkers ignore and revile him.

  11. This isn't about him. This is about boycotting a crazy museum that is based in racism and "whitephobia".


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