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Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Judge Jeanine: Barbara Lee's Kind of Crazy Puts All Americans at Risk

Judge Jeanine slammed Democratic Congresswoman Barbara Lee, who said President Trump is "militarizing the White House" by appointing Gen. John Kelly as chief of staff.

Rep. Barbara Lee, (D-CA), called four-star Gen. Kelly, an "extremist" after the president tapped him to replace Reince Priebus at the White House.

Kelly was even appointed by Barack Obama as the head of the U.S. Southern Command, and has more than 40 years in the Marine Corps under his belt.

Lee, Judge Pirro pointed out, was the one and only congressperson to oppose military force against terrorists in the wake of 9/11.

"Barbara, your kind of crazy puts all Americans at risk," the judge said.

"As we face a nuclear-powered North Korea, Iran, and others who want to destroy this great nation, there is no better person, no better leader, no one more knowledgeable to help the president run the West Wing of the White House than Gen. John Kelly."


  1. Congresswoman Lee is a moon bat just like her colleagues Pelosi, Feinstein, Boxer, Waters, et.al. And all from California; must be something in the water. I think we should let them secede from the lower 48 and good riddance.

  2. This nut job an many other like minded losers won't make a pimple on the good judges back side.


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