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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Is A Tolerant Culture Being Replaced By An Intolerant One?

One need not go back centuries to the Muslim conquest of the Christian late classical world -- the medieval Barbary corsair raids, the Ottoman yoke in Central and Eastern Europe or the slave markets of Kaffa in Tatar Muslim Crimea -- to understand that this violence clearly predates the European colonial era, the creation of the modern state of Israel, or the issue of climate change.

Countries such as China, Nigeria or Kenya that are not Western, not "imperialist", not whatever the excuses that Islamists make, are still spectacularly attacked by similar stabbings. Month on month, there seems almost nowhere that Islamic terror did not strike.

Volumes of revered Islamic texts establish in great detail the grounds of violence and oppression of non-believers and those deemed heretical. These supposed grounds -- made alive daily in madrassas and mosques across the world before being acted upon by religiously-trained terrorists -- are childishly dismissed by Western liberals as immaterial.

The first step towards a solution is to question the received knowledge tirelessly dished out by media pundits in the West. What is lacking is simply seeing a huge body of evidence of theological justification for Islamist terror.

How thin can excuses wear every time an atrocity is committed in the name of Islam?

When 13 people were killed and scores more injured this week in a vehicle-ramming attack in Barcelona, Spain, and stabbing men shouting "This is for Allah!" on London Bridge and in Borough Market in June, what the victims least cared about was the Western elite pontificating that the latest atrocity "had nothing to do with Islam".

British Prime Minister Theresa May said, "It is time to say enough is enough" and promised a review of her country's counter-terrorism strategy.



  1. When have we been tolerant?

  2. Tolerant??

    Seriously? You are beyond stupid. Quantum stupid.

    Try holding a parade of pink thong-wearing men in makeup, twitching their ass at the crowd, in Tehran.
    Try forming a crowd to yell threats at the President and destroy property, too, in Saudi Arabia.
    As a female, try getting a f'ing license to drive in Afghanistan. Or just try going outside alone.
    Ask the Mexican officials if it would be okay if million Americans can move in to their coastal towns, no fees, no license, no passport, no money?
    Try opening a church in DOZENS of countries around the planet. See how long you live.
    Try telling the world how much your male child needs to be free and needs to express the real "me" (by having a regimen of sex change drugs and surgery). Do a TV interview. See how long you live.
    Go to just about ANY country on Earth and tell them you just swam to their country yesterday and need a place to live for your kids. And a driver's license to get around. And oh yeah, your kid has TB. You'll need a doctor, too.
    Tell us all how your intolerant nation continues to offer translators and translations in a dozen different languages so even people who shouldn't be here can STILL navigate the list of goodies given away to criminal immigrants?
    Tell us how anyone can go from ghetto thug to multi-millionaire because we are so bad and intolerant?
    Explain how a black man is elected by WHITE people to lead them.
    Explain how undocumented people (ONLY in the USA) can become LAWYERS and get SCHOLARSHIPS to Harvard??? Try getting THAT in Oman.
    10:11 has never earned anything or learned anything so far in his spoiled, daddy gave me everything life.
    He certainly didn't pay attention in school.
    He only repeats the trite and wildly inaccurate catch phrases of his similarly inclined crowd.
    If 10:11 lived anywhere else on the planet, he'd be dead by now -- waiting for someone to feed him, give him something, and save his life. In America, he gets to "protest" how bad he's got it.
    Keep cheering.


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