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Saturday, August 26, 2017

IRS Rehires Hundreds of Employees Fired for Fraud, Theft, Abusing Taxpayer Data

The Inspector General for Tax Administration has discovered that under Commissioner John Koskinen, the Internal Revenue Service re-hired 212 employees it had previously fired for offenses including tax evasion, theft, and abuse of taxpayer data.

The title of the report makes it clear that the IRS “continues to rehire former employees with conduct and performance issues.” The inspection was requested by a U.S. Senator, who is not named in the report, although Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) introduced legislation to block the agency from rehiring such employees shortly after the report was released.

“Whether it is the rehiring of previously terminated employees or continuing to give bonuses to poorly performing executives who can’t be fired – the delinquency at the IRS must end,” Burr declared. “It’s exactly actions like this that erode the public’s trust in their government. The American people are sick and tired of Washington at its worst. We have Americans paying the salaries of IRS workers who have repeatedly cheated the very government they took an oath to serve, and a Commissioner who won’t fire bad actors. The time to put a stop to these atrocious practices is now.”



  1. Big news for such a small number of people, but still deserving of being in the public eye. Sounds like a job for some energetic congressmen. Frankly, it's an even better opportunity for some congresswomen, who seem to champion only the softer issues, the ones that get them women's votes.


  2. Drain the swamp!

    Most employers who fire someone for cause would NEVER consider rehiring. And the arduous process for actually dismissing a Federal employee is a gauntlet.

    When his term expires, the Acting Director should can these slugs ASAP!

  3. Does Trump know about this? You know he wouldn't allow this. But it seems he has.


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