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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

In Angry, Fiery Press Conference, Trump Says "Blame On Both Sides" For Violence

During a fiery, improvized press conference that was supposed to address Trump's infrastructure proposal but quickly veered into an angry back and forth between President Trump and the media over Saturday's tragic events in Virignia, Donald Trump defended his initial response to the weekend violence in Charlottesville, saying he needed to "know the facts" before specifically calling out racist groups, and stating that there was “blame on both sides” for the violent clashes that erupted in Charlottesville over the weekend.

“You had a group on one side that was bad and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent and nobody wants to say that but I’ll say it right now,” the president said. He added: “You had a group on the other side that came charging in without a permit. They were very violent.”

Claiming he needed more information, Trump said “I didn't wait long” to condemn the violence, saying “I wanted to make sure, unlike most politicians, that what I said was correct, not make a quick statement."

He then said that "the statement I made on Saturday, the first statement, was a fine statement, but you don't make statements that direct unless you know the fact. It takes a little while to get the facts. You still don't know the facts. And it's a very, very important process to me. And it's a very important statement. So I don't want to go quickly and just make a statement for the sake of making a political statement. I want to know the facts.”



  1. The media has jumped the shark.

  2. The irony is that white supremacists, in an attempt to save one statue, have singlehandedly
    ensured the destruction of many more.

  3. But one side will not accept any responsibility for their actions and contributions not just to this most recent event, but for any of their actions. They, and maybe both, are trying to get the other side condemned more so they can claim a victory.

    It is sad really. Not just what has happened in Va. but all over this country. They are so busy fighting Trump and each other nothing gets done and this country gets tossed to the wayside.

    Some people and MOST in the media hate Trump. He can and does say the same things his predecessors have but he is rejected because he is the one saying it now. I now think it is much more than opposition to Trump, his agenda or his admin. I think there is something much darker going on. Someone, probably a group, is actively engaging in activities to destroy this country. IMO.

    Even in my own family, there is division. Thankfully it is not as rude, violent or disrespectful we see on tv and in everyday life. But it is there.

    Past and present politicians, at least one ex-president and a failed wannabe president are also in this plot to resist Trump. With the latter donating 800k to a resist Trump campaign/effort.

    When I was a kid everybody at the least respected the office of president even if they didn't like who was in that office. Now, not so much. I do not envy Trump's job. He is constantly attacked at every angle on every single day.

    But IMO he has continued to fight the good fight and hasn't been distracted enough to waver from his goals and his promised campaign promises. (Which really surprised a lot of people including pols.)

    These United States are not so much united these days, and they haven't been for at least the past 8 years.

  4. It wasn't white supremacists 12:34, it was concerned citizens.

  5. The progressives are winning and the right is caving. Socialism/Marxism here we come. it truly is said to see the so called conservatives whimpering in the corner. Trump was absolutely right in what he said. this whole event was planned.

  6. Take down one statue...take down them all!!!!!!!

    Do you really think this will change anything??????

    Not one thing will change because this isn't about statues!!!!!

    Until you figure out what this is REALLY about this will continue to fester with no end in sight.

    Do you know what Hitler stood for? Do you know how Hitler came into power?

    Do you know why slavery stopped and who profited from the end of slavery?

    Until you know the answers to these questions and many more (HISTORY) will keep repeating itself over and over again.

    Ignorance is the real poverty in this country. When you are looking to the news to keep you current and following the latest and loudest political analyst you are following them like lambs to the slaughter.

    If you have no back knowledge than you can be fed anything. Find something about history that interests you and start reading...it will make a huge difference in your life and leaders.

  7. Agree with President Trump 100%. His statements are true and correct. Both sides were at fault for the violence.

  8. Are you a Christian? Guess what, Jesus was a Jew.

    The woman who was killed in Charlottessille by white supremacist / neo nazi... guess what She was white and not a Jew.

  9. TRUMP WAS EXACTLY RIGHT !!! Great Job > Ignore the crybabies !!! The Fake News and Demon-crats !!!!

    They are Never satisfied, SO don't give them time of day !!!
    Stop the press conferences ....they are just attack sessions

  10. President Trump was right. They were both to blame. One had a permit, the others did not. So actually they were not supposed to be there. THEY caused the violence. They got what they wanted. I heard it was organized against the white supremacists. Not condoning white supremacists, just saying they do not deserve ALL of the blame.


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