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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

How to go From a Broken Taillight to 18 Months in Prison

It is amazing the amount of “crimes” one broken taillight precipitated.

A recent court case in Massachusetts highlights the insanity of statute law, versus common law. That is, relying on laws made by politicians, rather than assessing a claim brought by a victim.

Time, money, and freedom are all poured down the drain in favor of arbitrary statutes.

It started with a guy being pulled over for having a taillight out.

He was arrested for not having a license to drive a car. Already, this is a violation of rights. Why should you be forced to pay for a license in order to travel down public roads?

Licensure does little in the way of public safety. It is a vehicle to collect more money and keep track of citizens.

So society says it is better to kidnap a man and throw him in a cage than to allow people the freedom to travel unmolested. He victimized no one but was victimized by the state.

Next, cops saw a gun muzzle poking out of the pocket in the back seat. Apparently, seeing a bit of a gun is probable cause to search. Are guns illegal? No. Ah but again, those pesky licenses! The government requires licenses to exercise rights. You have to pay in order to be free.



  1. It's loonies like this that fuel the Antifa and left wing extremists dangerous behavior. He is getting so many issues muddled together he loses all credibility.

    1. No he is going through a list of all the rights you have given up through the example of a guy pulled over and charged for multiple victimless crimes.

  2. But he does have a point or two.
    I have always wondered why two adults can't make a deal to pay her for use of her own body for enjoyment from me. I can pay her for a massage, or her to sing to me, but I can't pay her to have sex with her? STUPID

  3. When I see someone with a light out or anything else that would draw the attention of police, I try to alert the driver about it. Some drivers already knew and didn't care. Others were grateful.

  4. It's a safety matter for all not a right. Driving not a right doing drugs not a right having a firearm not a right. Everyone should not have these rights. Even though you have a right to bare arms not everybody should have a gun

  5. driving is a right unless you drive commercially but not enough people know this and won't challenge it in court. and I guess you never heard of the 2nd amendment. everyone has these rights but have allowed others to take them away in the name of "safety" which is bs. It is what it is always about, money and power.

    They can't take away all our rights at once, the people would revolt. They do it piecemeal. A little at a time like the proverbial frog in a pot of boiling water. And there are some misguided people who cheer it along.


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