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Thursday, August 31, 2017

Houston Reeling Amid Outbreak Of Looting, Armed Robberies; Vigilantes Emerge

Inevitably every major metropolitan crisis brings out the best and worst of what humanity has to offer. While hundreds/thousands of people have rushed into Houston following the epic destruction of Hurricane Harvey to help in any way possible, others have once again predictably chosen to exploit the misery of others by looting abandoned shopping centers, robbing empty homes and even breaking into the Houston Apple Store (by shooting through the front door).

In fact, just last night Houston's Mayor was forced to impose a strict midnight to 5am curfew amid "an outbreak of looting and armed robberies", in order to prevent property crimes against evacuated homes in the city. As Reuters notes, the curfew came after, among other things, reports surfaced of people impersonating police officers all so they could tell residents to evacuate their homes and then promptly rob them blind.

That proved too little for county officials who set up their own location as an outbreak of looting and armed robberies prompted the city to order an indefinite curfew from midnight to 5 a.m. (0500 to 1000 GMT).

Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo said late Tuesday individuals impersonating police officers knocked on doors in at least two parts of the city telling residents to evacuate their homes.



  1. I want to know when Trump is going to go golfing like Obama did. Isn't that the "presidential way"?

  2. Well he didn't. It was Obama who turned his back on Americans. Trump donated 1 million. Where are the loud mouth Hollywood.

  3. Those people do not ever miss an opportunity to loot, do they?

  4. What the news isn't saying is these law breakers are all members of one race!

  5. Since when do you become a vigilante by defending your own home?


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