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Saturday, August 26, 2017

House Hacking Suspects Could Read Every Email Dozens Of Congressmen Sent And Received

Congressional IT staffers who are the subject of a criminal investigation into misusing their positions had full access to members’ “correspondence, emails, confidential files,” and there was almost no tracking of what they did, a former House technology worker said.

Imran Awan bullied central IT to bend the rules for him so there wouldn’t be a paper trail about the unusually high permissions he was requesting. And their actions were not logged, so members have no way of knowing what information they may have taken, the central IT employee said.

Awan ran technology for multiple House Democrats, and soon four of his relatives — including brothers Abid and Jamal — appeared on the payroll of dozens of other members, collecting $4 million in taxpayer funds since 2010.

U.S. Capitol Police named him and his relatives as subjects of a criminal probeon Feb. 2, and banned them from the complex’s computer networks. But members of Congress for whom they worked have downplayed their access or publicly ignored the issue.



  1. Can anyone say for certain that the brothers who escaped to Pakistan didn't set up duplicate/stealth accounts and allow them continued access to the computer files?
    Debbie Wasserman has never said why she permitted Imran Awan continued access to the computer systems for months after it was determined he should have been fired.

  2. According to this article Mr. Sarbanes hasn't even been asked to comment on being complicit in this attack on national security. The Party of Liberal Jim!

  3. DO we really believe the House or Senate actually get work completed - let alone "know" how to use a computer? I only ask because they are out of the office practically 3 times more than their in.

    When they return next month - they better get to work or Trump will let them know....then let the people know who to vote for come next Nov (2018)

  4. I'm sorry. Poor Debbie had a pay for information racket going. It was little more than a blackmail scheme. She controlled Bernie and Martin's challenge to Hillary this way as well as feed questions to competition for debates.


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