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Saturday, August 19, 2017

Hogan taking heat for Taney statue removal

Gov. Larry Hogan’s decision to remove a controversial Confederate-era statue from the State House grounds has prompted a backlash within some facets of his Republican base.

The Facebook comments on the social-media-savvy governor’s page came fast and furious this week, as one-time supporters turned his posts about job gains and ribbon cuttings into hundred-person-long chains calling the Republican governor names.

Even some of his most ardent supporters have spoken out against him, baffled that their “common sense” champion reversed course.

In a blog post bluntly titled “Governor Hogan is wrong on this,” conservative blogger Greg Kline of RedMaryland wrote, “I am, and remain, a proud and unabashed apologist for Governor Hogan … But this. I don’t get this.”



  1. As well he should...like a thief in the late night.


  2. Finally, a democrap catching heck for something they approved of.

  3. Sad day for Maryland. Sad day for our country

  4. Hogan = RINO = Toast.

  5. It is easy to "get it".
    Mr. Hogan is a politician and will change his decisions / mind as the wind blows.
    In this political climate, that will include being nimble enough to pretend to care about nothing at all!

  6. F*** Larry Hogan. I am more Conservative than most people in America and I would vote for Tim Kaine over Douche Bag Hogan. At least we know what we are getting with Tim Kaine.

    Larry Hogan you fooled us, but no more. I had a feeling about you that told me you were a Liberal Turn and that is why I voted for David Craig over you in the Primary. I only voted for you in the General because I wasn't voting for Anthony Brown. I can see we made a mistake. Burn in Hell you Douche Bag!

  7. Mr Hogan
    If you want to destroy history in Maryland than take it all down including the Harriet Tubman statue and close down the underground railroad museum.

  8. Yeah! Leave them alone Mr. Hogan!

  9. Agree with 6:00 pm.

  10. These statues have been around longer than most people have been alive. All of a sudden they are offensive..funny they never were when President Obama was in office but now that President Trump is they are offensive..It looks like the Govenor is drinking the liberal kool aid and pandering for votes...those statues have no power over you unless you let it...people get your life together!!

  11. I thought the people elected a Republican Governor. Every day we are seeing the real Governor. He is a Democrat hiding behind a Republican name tag. I would rather have a Democrat in office at least you can prepare for the screwing you know you are going to get from all sides. We have found out every day with Hogan his promises are ways he will screw you.

  12. You're done, Larry. By trying to make everyone happy just so you could win reelection, you ended up alienating everyone. You carefully orchestrated your social media image to eliminate any criticism, but your cowardice here betrayed your better judgement, and your downward spiral into irrelevance has begun.

  13. Hogan a Democrat disguised as a Republican. Can we ever get a republican Governor with a pair

  14. heat now wait until election day

  15. Well, it IS Maryland after all. This doesn't really surprise anyone does it?

  16. the Fair Weather Governor...which way is the wind blowing...Gov. Hogan, SHAME on you.

    1. He better put aoplications into McDonald's
      ...bc his governor career is over....he will not be re-elected


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