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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Here's How The Next Recession Begins

In 1886 there were only 38 states in the United States.

Electric power was still cutting edge technology that few people had ever seen.

The Statue of Liberty hadn’t even been dedicated yet.

But it was that year that a man named Richard Sears founded a small retail company in Minneapolis, Minnesota that would grow into a retail juggernaut.

Sears was truly the Amazon of its day.

Even in the late 1800s the company was able to deliver just about any product you wanted right to your doorstep.



  1. Read the article and the comments afterward, and I, like them had to laugh! For most of us, the recession has not ended since 2008. The pain continues, and there is no sign of relief. That's why we elected this president. Similar in Britian with Brixit.

  2. If Ever another Demon-crat in office = it begins !!!!


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