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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Here is why the violence is going to escalate, and escalate quickly

Ben Domenech, no fan of the alt-right, got labeled as a member of the alt-right for pointing out the following:

Oakland 2009, Akron 2009, Pittsburgh 2009, Santa Cruz 2010, Oakland 2010, Los Angeles 2010, Oakland 2011, Chicago 2012, Anaheim 2012, Brooklyn 2013, Ferguson 2014, New York City 2014, Baltimore 2015, Anaheim 2016, Chicago 2016, St Paul 2016, Milwaukee 2016, Charlotte 2016, Standing Rock 2016, Oakland 2016, Portland 2016, Washington DC 2017, Berkeley 2017, Anaheim 2017, Berkeley (again) 2017, Berkeley (again again) 2017, Olympia 2017, and Portland 2017. This is a list of overwhelmingly leftist protests [that turned violent].

There is no comparable list of “alt-right” protests. Though there have been some, there have not been as many. The violence at these events has included molotov cocktails, shattered windows, punches thrown, and public property destroyed. Last night, a group of leftwing activists tore down a confederate statue without permission.

But in pointing all of this out, prominent voices on the left will angrily reply that Black Lives Matter, Antifa, union goons, etc. are all working for equality, justice, or some other noble end. They will wave away legitimate comparisons between the alt-left and alt-right providing moral justification for the left.

There have been far more conservatives willing to call out the alt right than there have been progressives calling out the alt-left.



  1. Well, at least all the bun wearing, parents basement dwellers don't work, so they can't afford ammo.

  2. There Civil race war is coming.

  3. Nov 4th is supposed to be a landmark attack of rioting against Trump? Pence. Be ready, and I mean ready, and wear your MAGA hats!

  4. .0000002 percent of the population are involved. Most hired actors. I don't watch it or care about it. I just want lower taxes and cheaper insurance

  5. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Charlottesville. Why was there a need for a counter-protest? Those people went looking for a fight and got one. What did they expect? They were the ones inciting violence. If they hadn't been there, the torch carrying wack-jobs would have fizzled out and gone home.

  6. be careful what you wish for, you just might get it!

  7. Because the Good Americans are Not going to tolerate their
    History being taken away >> Period
    Put back the monuments and the flags OR there will be more
    trouble coming ......they are taking it lying down !!!!!
    It don't take Skinheads/ KKK / Nazis / to do something
    about it either .....The Law abiding folks will do it the
    LEGAL way .........at the Voter Polls next time


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