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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Health professionals report cases where people put sunscreen on their eyeballs to watch eclipse

A health professional in California reported cases where eclipse-viewers sought medical treatment because they put sunscreen on their eyeballs to view last week’s solar eclipse.

KRCTV.com reported that these individuals applied the sunscreen because they did not have the NASA-approved eyewear.

“One of my colleagues at moonlight here stated yesterday that they had patients presenting at their clinic that put sunscreen on their eyeball, and presented that they were having pain and they were referred to an ophthalmologist,” Trish Patterson, a nurse at Prestige Urgent Care in Redding, Calif., said.



  1. Thay also vote Democrat.

  2. Why are people like this allowed to live??

  3. And you all wonder why america is falling apart... We have people like this, people who put sun screen on their eye balls...

  4. LOL , California the land of idiots. Of course led by Mad Maxine.

  5. 10:06, that is why we have the Darwin Awards.

  6. Don't know whether to laugh or cry
    Did anyone see the boy mare at the doctor?
    I'm losing hope

  7. To think that the public health system is paying for the results of stupidity like this is mind boggling.

    There will be disability claims filed for those who are partially blinded because of misusing sunscreen or staring at the sun, and everyone else (the steadily shrinking everyone else) will pay for them, too.

  8. Dan The Man Satterfield (WBOC) reached TOTALITY !!!!

  9. There are a lot of stupid Americans.
    And many of them don't vote at all.
    So they aren't just Democrats.

    Wake up. Not everything is dichotomous.

    The Left vs. Right paradigm is completely fake and Americans are being mind controlled by it.

  10. Just goes to show you...IDIOTS!


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