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Saturday, August 05, 2017

Half of Terror Plots in Germany by ‘Refugees’

More than half (54 per cent) of terror plots in Germany have involved asylum seekers and refugees since 2014 and the onset of the migrant crisis.

The report, by the Heritage Foundation think tank, found that attacks across Europe by foreign trained militants increased dramatically in 2016, following the height of the migrant influx, with Germany becoming a much more popular target.

“The increase in the threat to Germany is especially stark,” the report’s authors write. “There were no plots in Germany in 2014, and only two in 2015. In 2016, this increased eightfold.

“There is a straightforward reason for this: In 2015, Germany took in over 1 million refugees and 2016 saw a surge in plots involving refugees.”

Plots in Germany comprised just 5 per cent of those in Europe in 2015, shooting up to 27 per cent in 2016. In fact, the nation faced more plots in 2016 alone than in the decade and a half between 2000 and 2015, with civilian rather than government targets most common.



  1. The main stream media covers this fact up.

  2. Gee, sort of like here in the U.S.

  3. When the German people finally wake up what's Angela Merkle going to say oh I'm sorry? Yeah tell that to the hundreds of women that have been raped.

  4. Half may be by refugees, but the other half are by intelligence agencies.


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