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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Gov. Terry McAuliffe Refuses to Denounce Antifa Attacks on Journalists

After two serious attacks on working journalists by apparent “anti-fascist” Antifa activists, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe is remaining silent on leftist political violence Monday.

On Sunday, a photojournalist with WTVR, the Richmond, Virginia CBS affiliate, received staples for a head wound inflicted by a group of men who told him to “stop filming” a march through that city to protest Saturday’s Unite the Right rally of white nationalists and alt-right groups in Charlottesville, VA.

The men can be seen in a clip posted on Twitter by WVTR reporter Laura French waving, and possibly hitting the journalist with the classic “Antifaschistische Aktion” used by violent gangs of communist and anarchist street brawlers in Europe since the 1930s. These European-originating leftist groups, commonly referred to as “Antifa,” have grown in size and prominence on this side of the Atlantic in recent years.

The attack followed a similar incident Saturday during the Unite the Right rally the Richmond march was protesting. Suspected Antifa activists punched Taylor Lorenz, a female reporter from The Hill, as she tried to film their activities during the violent morass with white nationalist groups around the statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee, leading to a local state of emergency being declared.

Breitbart News contacted the governor’s office repeatedly Monday, giving McAuliffe and his staff an opportunity to denounce Antifa violence against journalists. McAuliffe’s office gave no response.

By contrast, McAufille issued an extended denunciation of “Nazis” and “White Supremist [sic]” in the aftermath of Saturday’s aborted Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville.

More here


  1. There would've been no violence if the liberal activists stayed away as they were told to do. This is all about the left making everyone else look like the evil ones. Even using talking points that police would never be tolerant of black groups carrying weapons during protests, which is untrue. Black Panthers and others have carried weapons during their marches and without incidence. If you ignore the nit-wit KKK members and others like them, they will eventually go away. This is America. We are allowed to protest peacefully. But the liberal groups, who before Trump referred to themselves as tolerant, are now the ones who are causing trouble with their intolerance of those who don't agree with them politically. And their anger, hatred, and violence is being encouraged and supported by Soros,the Clintons, Obamas, etc.


  2. Did the left not say that they were planning a lot of this kind of trouble for August?

    I'm sure they did.


  3. Soros payroll in action. McAuliffe is a sympathizer, if not an outright beneficiary.


  5. Did you see where Romney tweeted support for antifa?


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