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Tuesday, August 01, 2017

GoFundMe Account Setup For Berlin Man Injured In Ocean City

Andy and I started this crowd funding campaign because one of our oldest childhood friends was recently severely injured. We believe in helping others in our community and now we are asking our community to come together in Richie's time of need. We don't have a lot of details at this time, but from what we do know he's got a very long road ahead of him. Richie is the kid who lived down the street that you raised hell with, the guy you can always depend on, and now a father to his beautiful little girl. We will update this page with new information as soon as we get it. Please help us help not only him, but also his family. Anything you can give will help. Thank you for your kindness and help.


Original article about this incident can be found HERE


  1. same comment as above, dodgy lifestyle, alcohol, middle of the night, strange place, what could possibly go wrong. And no I wont fund! why because I'm home sleeping at 1 am so I can get up in the morning and go to work!

  2. I am so tired of the gofundme mentality. Sure, its a sad situation but I am tired of everyone begging for the public to fund them. Isn't that what family and friends are for? Don't these people have parents?

  3. Nothing good ever happens after midnight.

  4. He's a good guy nothing dodgy about him has a full time job and is very knowledgeable stand up middle class guy maybe if you havent noticed society doesn't care about the working class the ones who get their hands dirty everyday I'm sure every little but will help it was an accident you all act like your jesus himself get a little compassion and stop being do damn hateful thats whats wrong with the world no one has any compassion for anyone think about it for awhile how often do you go out of your way to help someone else then reconcsider your thoughts on a member of the community trying to help another regardless of your negative mindset

  5. 7:44 well then put your money where your mouth is. I'll do the same. Lots of people in this world need help through no fault of their own! and besides the government already makes me fund enough other peoples stupidity!

  6. 7:44 PM wow. Just because we are not donating OUR hard earned money doesn't mean we are not compassionate. Maybe next time throw a benefit dinner or some other gathering instead of just asking people to hand over their money. But thank you for demonstrating that entitled mentality we are so tired of.

    Part of the problem is, that you equate money with compassion.

    Isn't that a sorry state of affairs.

  7. 7:44 PM I help my friends and family, as should his.

  8. Nice to see so many flawless people commenting here who never had an accident or made a mistake.

    Heartless. Way to be... to bad your moms never taught you to be polite.

  9. If we put all the idiots that comment here together we could achieve world peace eradicate national debt and fix the environment in a matter of hours


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