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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Gas prices may soar

The Valero Houston Refinery is threatened by the swelling waters of the Buffalo Bayou.

Energy production in the heart of the country's oil and gas industry was disrupted as several refineries and offshore platforms closed down, triggering a rise in gasoline prices.

Exxon Mobil said Sunday it was shutting down the second largest refinery in the United States at Baytown in Texas.



  1. already started

    $2.399 today

  2. bull crap.
    ...they look for reasons to raise prices....we need to get our own oil.....hang the tree huggers

  3. American Economy - NEVER let a good disaster go to waste. If someone farts wrong at the EPA - gas prices go up.

  4. No one wants a pipeline, new refinery or production plant in their backyard but want cheap gas! Our refineries are some of the oldest but you can't build without fighting tree huggers and the EPA, state and federal !

  5. 1:19 PM environmentalists have nothing to do with the greed of big oil. They have millions in reserves that could be used to buffer the lapse, but why let a good tragedy go to waste.

    Just another reason to rip off the consumer.

  6. They never miss an opportunity, futures have been locked in this storm "shouldn't" affect us for 6-8 months price wise if they were not being devious.

  7. Gas 2.29 in Mardela.

  8. If the Democrats didn't keep blocking the pipeline this fluctuation wouldn't happen.

  9. The pipeline you refer to is for crude not refined product. Would not make a difference if there were 10 more crude pipelines. SMH.

  10. Were is the ARAB oil and the IRAQ oil (that should be ours) ????????? Take that Damn oil from them ........

    Were is Canadian Oil ?
    There should be other locations in USA too to make up for it

  11. You realize oil isn't what powers cars right? They must refine it into gasoline. They are shutting down refineries. Though I do agree it is greedy of oil companies as well. When Katrina happened gas was around $1.60. It never came back to that level because they realized that we would pay whatever they charged. Hence the 3 years after Katrina were record profit years for oil and gas companies

  12. Zorro,
    Who is "we"?
    From where would "we" get our own oil?
    How would "we" refine the oil?

    I assume the biggest companies in the world are NOT a part of "we"?

  13. Agree with Zorro. Anything for an excuse.. It's not like prices were that low considering...

  14. Already $ 1.46 + in Salisbury TODAY Thur 8/31/2017 !!!!

    Should be new laws to prevent companys from passing their
    losses onto Us hardworking and poor Americans.......

    These oil companys can AFFORD to Eat the Losses and still
    make Billions and Trillions in Profit Profit Profit !!!!

    Every time something (a new excuse) comes up they think they
    are ENTITILED to make the same amount Or more $$$$$$$$$$
    and Not LOOSE anything Like WE DO !!!!!

  15. They could sell gas for 25 cents a Gal and still make a Fortune ...........and it should be capped off by Govt at
    .25 cents ...........permanently !!!

    I still MAD over that False Shortage they pulled in the 70's
    and got away with it ..........

    Arabs allowed to create False Shortages today whenever they
    feel like it.....and it SHOULD BE ILLEGAL !!!!!!!!!

  16. Considering they did not cut off the east coast pipeline until today 8/31/17 why would gasoline be 30 cent a gallon higher now? You got to love oil companies, when the price of crude goes up, instant price increase, when the price goes down decrease does not go down at the pumps for weeks. That my friends is called GREED!!!!


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