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Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Family of Drug Smuggler Gets $1 Million From US Govt After He Drinks Liquid Meth in Front of Feds Then Dies

More than three years ago, a Mexican teenager crossed the border into America at a Border Patrol check point. After the authorities found a suspicious liquid in his backpack, the teen voluntarily drank some of the liquid. He claimed it was apple juice he’d bought across the border. It wasn’t. It was meth in a liquid form.

He died shortly after. And now the federal court in San Diego has awarded his family $1 million to settle a lawsuit with his family.

Cruz Marcelino Velázquez Acevedo, 16, died from a massive overdose on Nov. 18, 2013. He drank the liquid in an attempt to fool the border patrol agents interrogating him.

The family’s lawsuit alleged that “the two agents told a young man to drink the liquid to prove to them that it was fruit juice and not a drug.” Eugene Iredale, the family’s attorney, told the court that he “did that, and as a result, he died.”



  1. People that stupid shouldn't get money from a lawsuit!
    This idiot got what he deserved - a ticket to the Darwin Awards!

    1. He was 16 years old. Not prior record and obviously not even good at what he did. Why did he deserve to die? You don't know if he was a mule which was most likely the case smh. The officers knew what they were doing and if you've seen the video how nervous that kid was and they were laughing at him knowing what it was. How are you so sure HE knew exactly what it was? Heads out of asses please.

  2. Did they not follow standard protocol? I'm wondering if they have to discard any containers in this situation or at least test for presence of amphetamines

  3. Maybe just maybe he shouldn't have been smuggling drugs. Break the law and get a million dollars well I guess that's cheaper than putting him in prison then Deporting him 20 times. I have zero compassion for drug smuggling and the people that do it the reasons make no difference

  4. One more reason to promote CALEXIT!

  5. These type of lawsuits are going to be the ruin of this country. If he knew what it was then all he did was commit suicide rather than face time in a US jail. If the agents had not tested it how could they have known it would have killed him? This country and a whole lot of people in our justice system,from lawyers on up, have lost the concept and meaning of "common sense"! The lack of which has resulted in the pay out of billions of dollars for stuff that, 30 yrs ago, would have been thrown out for having no grounds. Today you can sue and win a judgement for a dog pissing in your yard!

  6. He died because of stupidity on his part.

  7. OMG - get a grip people!!

  8. That was his stupidity. No one is responsible for his actions but himself. He knew what he was doing when he decided to get paid to bring that dangerous drug to our country. They want to pacify his crooked ass? What about all the overdoses and people that were going to die when that drug was turned loose on us Americans.

  9. Ditto 4:15 and it's darn difficult to grip such mess as this 4:27.
    You do realize you are paying for this dummies suicide don't you? Unless you are a ward of the state, which you sound like.

  10. A person's life is worth so much more than man's laws.
    You commenters need to pinch yourselves.
    Are you insane?

    You have swallowed the government's Kool Aid and are acting like jealous sheep who squeal when another sheep gets out of the pen. Wake up. The government and its Statutory Laws are evil and are enslaving all of us with a worthless fiat currency being printed into oblivion. They are stealing our freedoms and our labor.

    Stop cheering for this evil government for crying out loud.
    Act like humane people for a change.
    A young person died because of a liquid object. A non-living item. A thing.
    Think about it.

    1. Move out of country. One way ticket to Germany is 800 bucks bwi. You will happy. Bye

  11. All these drug over dose cases can sue the government and get millions of dollars, since the government allows them on the streets. What a precedence this is set.

  12. 5:36, look at how many lives this whole saved by first taking himself out of the drug smuggling pool, but handing over the liquid yo the cops to prevent even more drug deaths, suicides, gang wars, and other murders down the line.

    Glad to see him take his own medicine, as it were.

  13. I for one do not want to move out of the country.
    I want my country to defend its borders!

  14. Another Freddie Gray .... Criminals dying and their families filing lawsuits likevleeches.

  15. 5:35 objects do not kill people. People using or misusing those objects kill people. It is no different than if it had been cyanide. He drank it of his own free will rather than turn it over. Normal people call that suicide.

  16. I would have a problem with the judgement to his family, but for the fact he was only 16, and may not have been aware of what was actually in that bottle. He could have been an unsuspecting "mule" that was used to smuggle the meth into the USA. They told him to drink it, and he did (obeyed their command). Therefore the judgement is correct, in my opinion.


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