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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Elizabeth Warren Calls For BAN On Menthol Cigarettes – They Are Racist Against Black People

As the national conversation about racism continues to rage, Democrats continue to do all they can to exploit the crisis. But Elizabeth Warren’s latest charge has a lot of people giving her some major side-eye. According to Warren, menthol cigarettes must be banned… because they’re racist.

Massachusetts Sen. Edward Markey, Rhode Island Sens. Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse, and Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal all joined Warren in calling for menthol cigarettes to be banned in a letter to the Food and Drug Administration.

The letter argued that African-Americans have the highest mortality rate of all ethnic groups, due in large part to smoking-related diseases. Menthol cigarettes, they say, poses a greater risk than other cigarettes. The senators cited a 2011 study which found that “menthol cigarettes pose a public health risk above that seen with non-menthol cigarettes”.



  1. It seems that the argument in favor of a ban on Menthol Cigarettes is that they are "more dangerous" than other types of Cigarettes. However, it has nothing to do with race. There are plenty of white people who also smoke Menthol Cigarettes and any ban on the products would protect their lives as well as the lives of black people, would it not?

  2. I guess I was doing an ethnic appropriation when I smoked them then. Gosh, another way I'm not PC!

  3. I smoke Marlboro Menthol Lights but if just Newport's were banned I'd be cool with that. All cigarettes stink but Newports are HORRIBLE.

  4. Warren's implication that black people smoke menthol cigarettes, is a stereotype and in itself racist.

    She's an idiot.

  5. Put an additional tax on menthol cigarettes to discourage purchase. Of course, that would be racist, too.

  6. Good for Senator Warren; this nonsense keeps her occupied and out of the hair of real politicians who are trying to get something done like affordable healthcare, tax reform, infrastructure, secure borders, welfare reform, inner city poverty, education, defense (perhaps she is not aware of the North Korea incidents). I am sure she thinks her rant is important.

  7. I call BS as soon as you play the race card!

  8. Nothing better to do?????


  9. How does Fauxahontas feel about those who smoke the peace pipe?

  10. Unbelievable. Want to get rid of cigs altogether, tax the hell out of it! NY just passed another tax on cig to $13 a pack.

    Get rid of menthol cigs cuz of racism...good grief woman!

    Whats next, malt liquor? Pigs feet? sushi? rice?? clothes? make-up? deodorant? Each offends someone.

    Enjoy each and every day you have left Lizzie cuz your days as a civil servant are numbered!

  11. Has she asked any black people what they think of banning the cigarettes that they, as a race, prefer? They probably would say targeting THEIR cigarettes is racist!

  12. She is worth 25 million and has never had a full time job.

  13. She is terribly desperate to prove to everyone that she is the craziest woman in the Congress.
    Her, Sheila Jackson, and Maxine Waters are fighting it out in the trenches of weirdness, deviancy, stupidity, and pompous elitism.
    I might remind her that identifying ANY behavior that is attributable to a particular race, ESPECIALLY black people, is racist.
    She doesn't know that??
    Or does her Indian heritage give her a free pass to be racist?

    start the hanging with her..........


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