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Sunday, August 20, 2017

Elderly Salisbury Couple Ignored By Boy Mayor Jake Day After Severe Flooding

I want to express a few things to everyone about to read the following letter below. This is the THIRD time this couple has been flooded out. What's important is, they never asked the City in the past for any kind of financial reimbursement, even though the City is responsible for infrastructure maintenance. All they had been asking is that the City keep this area groomed so another dam doesn't back up again. The Mayor has not only ignored the following letter/request, they have done nothing to maintain it and just as they had feared of yet another round of their home being flooded by several inches, it happened again. The image above was taken yesterday after the water had receded. You should also know that this couple has been displaced again and is searching for a place to live while their home is rebuilt once again. Ignoring this Family multiple times, especially since the Mayor has been warned in advance should now be at the expense of the City

106 Middle Neck Lane
Salisbury, MD 21804
March 28, 2017

Mayor Jake Day
125 North Division Street
Salisbury, MD 21801

Mayor Jake Day:

Dear Mr. Day,

I want to applaud you for the good work you are doing in beautifying the City of Salisbury. As a retired health department employee, I remember many enjoyable walks through downtown. I remember days of walking to court and telling a co-worker that I hoped the old historic buildings would be kept and restored. And that's happening! I remember standing in awe at the gorgeous tulips outside our building on Main Street and up and down the plaza. I still enjoy the plants, the events, the shops and, of course my favorite, the library with accessible parking between the library and the plaza. I could say so much more about the beautification and the progress in the city.

I move on, however, to a more pressing matter to my husband and me. Our focus has been on infrastructure, drain pipes operating properly, repairs and maintenance done in a timely and orderly
manner. It has been six months now that we have lived in a motel. It has been six months since the flood of September 30, 2016, the flood that put us out of our home. I know you remember it well since we have been informed of your being in other ares of the city that horrendous day I can't tell you how many people have told my husband and me that they knew why we were flooded (8 inches of water throughout the house). Out of the blue they would talk about Northwood Drive, the undersized drain pipes, the debris left in the pipes and in the surrounding area, the trees and bushes obstructing the drains. The Northwood Drive, Alexander Ave. and Rt. 13 areas appear to be in dire need of repair. There also appears to be much neglect in that area with the lack of maintenance.

I appeal to your good will, Mr. Day, in compensating us in some way for the expenses that have come out of our savings, our life insurance policy, our retirement. We seek peace and wholeness in our lives and plead with you for your assistance in this matter. Frequently, we had people from the surrounding area come over to fish in the back of our house. We didn't mind. We enjoyed sharing our little park. Now, we are exasperated trying to decide what to do if the city makes no changes. I know of a man in Somerset County who was displaced. I can't say I know the details but his sister has told me that the city got him a new house and paid for his lodging until the house was rebuilt. We are not asking for that but we certainly do plead with you for an agreeable solution. I thank you sincerely for your consideration.

Respectfully yours,
Mary and Mike Cox

C.C. Senator Addie Eckardt 
Representative Andy Harris


I can't tell you how much I appreciate your listening to me this afternoon. Thank you so much. My husband was happy when I relayed our conversation to him when he got home from shopping. He said he would love talking with you himself. Regarding the pictures, he does indeed have LOADS of pictures. They're on his
camera, though, and I am not adept at putting them on the computer. If you are able, Mike suggested his meeting you somewhere and he would give the needed pictures to you. He also said that my letter was too soft. I think if I were to write it today I would be much stronger. One thing I would add would be the fines
the city puts out when yards are not maintained. Well, shouldn't they be expected to do the same thing when it comes to proper maintenance? Again, I thank you for listening and for being on our side. Mike is sending a letter to Carl Anderton. I forgot about that.

Originally posted at 2:07 PM


  1. Jake is only interested in helping and employing his buddies or working on his made-up projects/causes ... he doesn't really care about this city or the people that live here. Otherwise, he would have at least had the common decency to respond to your letter, even if it was to say he could not help. He's only interested in show-boating.

    1. No, only lower class homies does Jake care about...section 8

  2. My house insurance pays for hotel stays in the event of flood, fire or other disaster.

    Mr. and Mrs. Cox, if your insurance does cover this, I would inform your insurance company of the city's willfull negligence in solving these issues.

    I'm sure your insurance company will pursue this with vigor, in order to receive recompense for the money they have been paying to keep you in a hotel.

    Good luck.

    1. Not sure but as a homeowner I was told I would have to buy food insurance outside of regular insurance. Dont think they would compensate them unless its in their policy.

  3. Looks like Jake doesn't want to be re-elected.......

  4. With all those assistants or whatever they are called Imbecile Day hired they should have been right on this. The problem is you put all 3 together and wouldn't find a functioning brain cell.

  5. You can bet the ranch if this happened to a bar downtown or one of his real estate buddies it would already been fixed.

  6. Jake did they have proper fencing around there property.

  7. even if the insurance company is not paying for your hotel, they love to have someone else pay their bills. So, if the insurance even covers the damages, they'd love to pursue the city to get that bill paid for them...

  8. If you're not located in a "flood Zone" the insurance company would want to investigate so they could hang the guilty party out to dry. Everyone knows the causes for most of the flooding issues and the blame falls directly on the City's shoulders.

    1. Or just deny them. Insurance companies are crooks and would find a way to get their money back

  9. Forwarding to anderton will do no help, this is day's mentor. DAT could care less about all of this 2018 day is focusing on Harris' seat not Salisbury

  10. They need a public adjuster and an attorney. They will get nothing and nowhere on their own.

  11. Dear Boy Mayor, Please stop your kindergarten class defenders, (6 of them) working in your office from coming on here to defend you.

    You screwed this elderly couple by NOT EVEN RESPONDING and showing even the slightest respect.

    2,000,000 visits per month here Jake, you are screwed come election time. And that you can take to the bank. We will prove that your small amount of non city property owner supporters that follow you on Facebook will be useless once a real man steps up to the plate to run against you. Oh, even if it's a woman, she'll be far more of a man than you anyway. For the very first time I'm thinking, your parents must truly be ashamed of you. Elder abuse.

  12. It's really sad that the city was aware of what could happen at Canal Woods but took no action to stop the damage. The fire department's role is to protect life and property, with a bit of foresight sandbags could have been deployed Saturday morning and the damage may have been prevented.

  13. Isn't Jake a NG member? You know, the local military who's here to save us in times of disasters?

    Yeah, I thought he was...

  14. That stretch of water and ditches by Pep Boys has been garbage filled for years! Back in the 80s when I worked there , you could even see shopping carts dumped in therre,!

  15. Find it interesting that Day has time for dippy ceremonies down on the plaza for the Chamber but he can't return a response to these people's letter. He's useless. He's nothing but a poodle figurehead. Nothing more. Ineffectual.

    1. Yeah but but Salisbury Rocks lol

  16. These storms are 100 year storms and the city should be prepared for them even if they come every 2 years.
    There is no excuse for this lack of response.
    Clean the ditches and open the flood gates!

  17. Love your comments Joe. Right on mark. Love it. Bye bye Jake

  18. I can assure everyone that your homeowners policy does NOT cover flood damage. Unless you have a policy that is so old that it's still a covered peril. But, those policies are extremely rare. Read your policy carefully! Water/Hurricane/Wind is all treated differently. Water damage is not FLOOD Damage. Flood is defined within the insurance contract and usually EXCLUDED.

    That's probably what this vulnerable couple found out the hard way.
    You can purchase flood coverage through your insurance company and its written by FEMA-pretty cheap if you dont live in a FEMA flood zone.

    But where is the Red Cross, United Way and even the Community Foundation? These are the organizations I donate money to to help people in these circumstances...

    1. How presumptuous of you to assume they don't have flood insurance.

  19. ONE time. Part time.

  20. Sorry he can't reply... He's really busy fawning all over his well-to-do buddies' paint a pet rock project downtown. Apparently, he only has time for *important* things.

  21. Every single time we get even a moderate amount of rain, the SAME areas flood. Why doesn't Jerk Day use the money Hogan gave the town to upgrade infrastructure in these areas??? Who decided that prettying up the sidewalks around the cesspool that is the Wicomico river was a higher priority? Who decided that building a mile long fence on route 50 to combat the simple problem of teenagers not feeling like crossing the street in the existing appropriate places was a priority?? He's all for show. It's bull.

  22. I begged and plead with Mr Day when they were building The Gathering at Salisbury to take into account the well and septic systems of the residents surrounding this place. He did nothing but spout bullcrap. All lies Jake. My drainfield has flooded multiple times. My neighbors as well. Your sorry excuses arent helping me, my neighbors, or our properties. You let the boys over at GG run this place right down our throats. Now what? The builders furious hustle to get it done in time for the start of the school year forgot to shore up the grounds there and have had to come back multiple times and dig it up.
    But hey, jobs are up right? So, screw everything else. Thats your sentiment exactly. Murders are up too though, so shove those jobs up your tailpipe. Sissy.

  23. Salisbury rocks can be used for self defense since it is illegal to conceal carry weapons.

  24. @5:49PM. If you are talking about my comment which you refused to post, then you are way off base. I don't work for the city, but do own a business in Salisbury. My residence is not in the city. My concern is for taxes I pay to own a business in this town. But that's not the issue in this case. My response was as follows: This house should have never been allowed to be sold. If you go look at the property is sits on an embankment sloped toward the water's edge and the house is within 5-10 feet of the water. There is no way these types of rains will not flood this house. It has always been the case. Look it up. Do I feel bad for Mr. and Mrs. Cox? Absolutely. But at some point I guarantee they were either made aware of the high flood potential of this property and they did one of two things, either ignored the warning and did not get necessary insurance or did not get the flood insurance because of the high cost because of this home's past history. Sometimes it's just buyer beware. I will just assume you will refuse to post this comment also. If you want to stay on this city like I do for the ridiculous taxes that's great because all the evidence is there to show how mismanaged everything is. The evidence is also there to show this flooding is not on the city for once.

  25. The city periodically sends a brochure with the water bills that tells people that it can't be held responsible for sewer backups, that homeowners should install a backflow preventer in their sewer lines and make sure that their homeowner's insurance covers backups if they occur.

  26. @8:27. This isn't a sewer backup. This is the Wicomico river overflowing it's banks. I bet this house has been flooded no less than 30 times since it was built. Ever been thru rt.13 at Pep Boys when it is flooded? Well this house sits on the opposite side of rt.13 from Pep Boys and at least 10 feet lower than rt.13. There is a company that sits on rt.13 by WBOC, I believe it is called Smith Corporation. They have a huge parking lot which grades downhill right to this house. This house is basically at the bottom of a funnel. There is absolutely nowhere for the water to go. If whoever sold this house did not make the buyers aware the this imminent hazard, they should be held accountable. There is no way the flooding on this residence has not been documented over the years and if they did not give full disclosure then have them pay.

  27. This couple are such sweet nice people. I feel so bad for them! I was in their house after the last years flood there. They keep having to rebuild. No one deserves this. Mr Day think of your parents, would you want this for them? Why do you do nothing? Treat others as you want to be treated. Not everything is about money, its about human kindness. Helping your neighbor. Sticking together. Please help these people.

    1. Mr. Day doesn't have to worry about his parents. His father is the President at Perdue Farms. He lives in a mansion on the river.

  28. 2:46. He was not elected.

  29. The water backs up at the railroad!!!

  30. Well if his father lives in a mansion on the river, maybe one of these days that river will overflow and reach his fathers house, like happened to these people, and he won't have flood insurance, and he'll just have to deal with what happens like these people are having to do. Karma is a bitch!!!

  31. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Salisbury rocks can be used for self defense since it is illegal to conceal carry weapons.

    August 15, 2017 at 6:07 AM

    So carry them openly?


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