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Monday, August 21, 2017

Clinton Paid Aide Huma Abedin Nearly $65K from Campaign Funds Since Defeat

Clinton also sent $800K to her new 'resistance' group

Failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has paid Huma Abedin nearly $65,000 from her campaign funds since her November election defeat, Federal Election Commission filings show.

Records show Abedin, Clinton's longtime friend and aide who served as the vice chair of the campaign, has been paid $64,415.10 in salary from Hillary for America, Clinton's campaign committee, since mid-November.

From mid-November to the end of March, Abedin was paid $52,180.65 from Hillary for America. From the beginning of April until the end of June, Abedin was given another $12,234.45 from Clinton's campaign committee.

Abedin is not the only individual who is still receiving payments from Clinton's campaign.

Nick Merrill, Hillary's former press secretary, was still receiving checks from the campaign as of late June, the end point for the latest available figures.

Robert Russo, who was the director of correspondence and briefing for the campaign, now carries the same job title in the Office of Hillary Clinton and is still being compensated from Clinton's campaign committee, as are a number of other staffers.

More here


  1. Hillary Clinton Launches Unlimited ‘Dark Money’ Group “Onward Together,”
    What a crap website - hardly any information on it and liberal idiots will still "donate" to yet another Clinton cash cow. It is listed as a 501(c)(4) so Hillary can maximize her profit margins without paying taxes. According to the IRS, a 501(c)(4) is a "Social welfare organization: Civic leagues or organizations not organized for profit but operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare." That basically means what she does with the funds is pretty much limitless. She could put every penny in her pocket and simply say "I promote social welfare." To top it all off is the people donating can not even deduct it on their taxes. Another scam just like her Foundation. Disgusting but no one seems to care that they are the corrupt ones. The group, according to an aide, will be a 501(c)(4) with a connected PAC, meaning money raised through the political nonprofit will not have to disclose donors. A Clinton aide said the group will "follow the guidelines," meaning they will not release their list of donors.]

  2. Like to know the legality of this type of usage of campaign donated money.

  3. Money for sex !!!!


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