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Sunday, August 13, 2017

Chelsea Manning touts Vogue swimsuit cover: ‘This is what freedom looks like’

Chelsea Manning took to social media on Thursday to celebrate Vogue magazine’s September issue, which features the transgender activist in a one-piece swimsuit.

The ex-soldier formerly known as Private First Class Bradley Manning was released from a federal prison in May because of a commutation of sentence by former President Obama. That freedom — the result of Mr. Obama’s decision to end a 35-year prison sentence for espionage after just seven years — is on full display in a photo taken by Annie Leibovitz for the lifestyle magazine’s latest publication.

“Guess this is what freedom looks like,” the 29-year-old said to 280,000 followers on Twitter and another 63,000 on Instagram.



  1. I heard he walked away from his unit and then several soldiers were killed. Sad

  2. 2:25 You're thinking about another loser. Bowe Bergdahl.

    1. Yes you're correct. Too many of these losers. Should be treated harshly.

  3. sick , sick , sick

  4. As far as his/her sexuality and transformation...live and let live. Who am I to judge.
    As far as the Military/Taxpayer/you and me paying for it....outrageous.

  5. 0bama set him free.

  6. looks better than Mooshelle - and Caitlin Jenner, as far as being free, it is a traitor - and traitors find a way in hell. It better keep its eyes open on all sides.

  7. You shorebillys never stop. What a hate ridden uniformed bunch. I'm so glad I got out of that hole.

    1. I'm so glad you got out too 😄. Don't come back now, ya hear?

    2. How insulting. My husband is a Veteran who fought for our freedoom. Have little respect for traitors and those who enjoy their freedom so thankless

  8. 304
    He is a man.
    Don't let them mess with your mind like that.
    He is a man.

    WE are what God (nature) made us to be.

    1. You are right and its sickening that society is telling them its alright to think and feel that way. Nothing but mass confusion and a mental ticking time bomb.

  9. Yea just a top photo not complete photo prob cause balls hanging out lol

  10. Clinton or Manning? It could be either.

    1. Lol exactly what I was thinking!

  11. That's hilarious. Someone referencing "God" telling me MY mind has been messed with. And by whom...? Who are "them" you refer to in your statement?
    That's the difference between us. I can think for myself. You use your religion to disguise your small minded bigotry and hate.

  12. Marvels next super hero will be a special forces op called out of retirement for a secret mission only to be found to have transitioned to a women. Still brutal and deadly and only slightly more lady like she he will kick ass and save the day in a camo mini skirt sports bra and lipstick. Stallone may be to old for the roll and Van Damme to washed up. Perhaps Channing Tatum.

  13. No worries, no intention of heading back to that backwards, hateful place.

  14. It's really simple...if you have a Y chromosome you are male. If not you are female. How can anyone not realize that?

  15. 6:28 Good glad you're gone. Don't bother coming back or responding. Don't need your type here.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You shorebillys never stop. What a hate ridden uniformed bunch. I'm so glad I got out of that hole.

    August 11, 2017 at 4:15 PM


  17. She looks like a nice guy.

  18. Wouldn't it be interesting to see "her" go a couple rounds in the octagon with Rhonda Rousey?

  19. The armpits and muscles just don't look feminine. But to each his own. The more serious problem here is he didn't spend enough time behind bars for treason. And Hillary got away with it.

  20. Left one came out pretty good. Right one still needs some work.

  21. Looks better than donatella Versace.


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