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Monday, August 14, 2017

Charlottesville Police Called Off When Violence Began: “We’re Leaving, It’s Too Dangerous”

Fox News reporter Doug McKelway was in attendance during yesterday’s deadly events in Charlottesville, VA, where he reported that the police were called off as soon as things started turning violent.

“But when the tear gas started to fly, thrown by protesters, the police themselves began to evacuate then. I asked the guy who was in charge, “Where you going?” He said, “We’re leaving. It’s too dangerous.” They had a chance to nip this thing in the bud and they chose not to.“


  1. Sounds like Baltimore all over again!

    1. This time its the whites. Guess ignorance is color blind.

  2. It's interesting. If they stay and be hard-nosed to break up the rioting, then EVERYONE screams "police brutality". But if they back off because it's become too dangerous for them to remain engaged, then you want to scream "the cops backed away and let it get out of hand". So, just where is the line? Just how should that paragraph be written in the policy manual? I don't like what happened, too much hate & violence. BUT, it's certainly not the fault of the police.....it's the fault of the stupid and hateful rioters.......whether they were black or white or green or sky-blue-pink. Evil minds cause violence, not docile people or police officers. Soooo, what was your complaint????

  3. Both groups were there to start issues, there was no way anyone can tell us this was not a preplanned riot.

  4. Thank you. This was allowed to continue and grow by the powers that be.

  5. The ruling class elites are fans of the "resistance" - Terry McAuliffe is a minion of theirs!

  6. If you do your job and smash some mouths then you get indicted and will be plastered on CNN for months. All the criminal cop haters bash you all day and all night. I don't blame them for leaving. Police can NO LONGER do the job when it gets bad. This is what society wanted and now they got it. Obama still making comments and laughing. Congrats democrats you WON.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If you do your job and smash some mouths then you get indicted and will be plastered on CNN for months. All the criminal cop haters bash you all day and all night. I don't blame them for leaving. Police can NO LONGER do the job when it gets bad. This is what society wanted and now they got it. Obama still making comments and laughing. Congrats democrats you WON.

    August 14, 2017 at 5:15 PM

    It is NOT their job to smash anyone's face. At times they may have to use force to subdue a suspect or to preserve life and peace but that is not a prerequisite for being an LEO.

    And people who join the police with that mentality are part of the problems LEO's face.

  8. Too many Pissed Off White boys !!! Tired of their statues
    being taken down .............

  9. Our past (slavery) may be history....but it is still offensive. No matter what color you are if you were treated like animals you would be offended by glory statues. Take them all down. Write in the next text books about how horrible the situation was and how people with a conscience and a heart took them down. There was NOTHING right about slavery and there is nothing right about glorifying it.

  10. EVERY single race on this planet has been slaves. But only ONE race keeps it close to their heart and whine about it every chance they get. And guess what? Slavery still exists on this rock. Yes, slavery is wrong. Yes, it should be abolished. No statue affects me one way or the other. Why does it affect others? Or anyone for that matter?

    I think maybe the ones who are upset about this, or any other statue, has more hate and racism in their hearts than the ones who erected the statues in the first place.

    Even if they toppled every statue they wanted, what would it be next week? Burning books?

    It seems these people who are upset at an inanimate object are the ones with the problems. It is in their hearts and will not be removed by these actions or any others until they address their own issues in their hearts. Stop using it as a crutch to get an easy ride in life. NO one or nothing owes you anything, and no one alive owned a slave, was a slave or was affected by slavery.


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