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Monday, August 07, 2017



This Friday, as part of Salisbury's Housing First program, Salisbury's Department of Housing and Community Development will move a family of 8 (2 parents and six children) from a homeless shelter into permanent, stable housing. This is exactly what the program exists for, and we're extremely happy to help this family make a new beginning in a real home. But we need your help.

The transition out of homelessness isn't as simple as handing someone the door keys and wishing them well. Wraparound care means job counseling, assistance with finding suitable healthcare options, and so much more. Something you might not think of is the need for the basic essentials of everyday life -- somewhere to sit, clean bed sheets, condiments, toiletries.

Concerned citizens ask us very, very often: "How can I help?" This is an opportunity to make a REAL difference in the lives of a REAL family RIGHT HERE in your community.

Between now and this Friday, any of the items listed below can be dropped off in the lobby of the Salisbury Police Department, located at Rt 50 and Delaware Ave. For donations of larger items (we need bunk beds) please call Christine Chestnutt at 443-397-2149, and we can arrange to pick up.

Please help us make this family's homecoming a warm and wonderful one.


  1. I didn't see condoms anywhere on the list.

  2. do pray tell have you taught them life skills necessary to function in this world? if so what jobs are they able to hold down and become self sufficient? or are we just waiting for the next gofundme?

  3. Is there not enough of my tax money going to programs for these people already. They will have WIC and still the schools will feed the kids. Title 8 housing etc.,etc., etc.

  4. People are so rude. No one know why they are in the situation they are in. Maybe a fire, maybe a accident that put some one out of work.

  5. A charitable moment is good for everyone.

  6. Feel good about yourself by doing good deeds for others. It always works. And there may come a time when you need such help.

  7. 9:10 - Yes they are! However, the tax dollars are not being used appropriately as you know. They typically do not help families in this fashion. Tax dollars are used by government to keep people dependent. This type of action will create independence and give this family (for generations) a chance to stay off the system. And, is the very reason we need to help and give even more.

  8. 6:16 it's not charity when the government takes it from you at the point of a gun. and now the same folks who receive all those benefits are back asking for more! I work my ass off and have for damn well over 40 years and never went on the dole. always something for nothing. free this free that. what the hell is wrong with people. If they put as much effort into their education, and maybe stopped pumping out kids they can't afford maybe just maybe they might change their predicament!

    1. So, can we put you down for paper towels then?

  9. 8:51am

    Sorry, but that was a funny reply!


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