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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

BREAKING NEWS: Salisbury Bypass Closed

The east bound entrance to the Bypass, (coming from the Hebron area) has been closed due to a sink hole. I drove by around 6 AM this morning and saw they had closed one lane but now they have completely closed it down from the entrance. From what I remember, the erosion is just before Naylor Mill Rd. Spread the word. 


  1. This will surely remind people what it was like years ago when the beach traffic would back up half way to Hebron with cars trying to get through Salisbury. This is Great.

  2. 1:16, I don't think so. All you have to do is take business Rt. 50 to the first light, make a left and get right back on the Bypass from Naylor Mill. That is, if I'm correct the damage is just before Naylor Mill.

  3. locals may know that way, but well the tourists wont.

    yeah there will be traffic issues.
    will really snarl up the detour for the closed ramp.
    wonder how that will be handled?

    is this the same area as the other closure? where the collapsed culvert is? or another area?

  4. Such negative people around here. There are so many ways to get around town without using the bypass or 50 east.

  5. I dont think so Joe, I believe this problem is up farther just past the Northwood drive exit. They also have closed the on ramp completely coming from the mall trying to go south/east. So the temporary U-turn on the naylor mill/bypass overpass will no longer be used either.


  6. Joe,

    With all respect. Think the right lane that was under repair is further up (closer to the mall) than that exit/on ramp. It's going to be a drive thru the 'bury until it's fixed if you're headed East.

  7. Closed ramp from 13 can be detoured to Zion Rd. U-turn on 13 and get on bypass east.

  8. It is right after the Northwood Dr exit. I use it every day for work.

  9. Fill with concrete,trowel and wella,finished!

  10. Let the people come through down town and see the safe, beautiful and crime free city!!

  11. It is between Northwood drive and Business 13, about halfway mark on the westbound side. The lights at the Naylor mill road interchange will now be obsolete, as the southbound 13 traffic detoured through there would have had to travel the caved in section of road, so now there will have to be a new detour marked out to get those south bounders to 50 east, and Ocean City. That section of road is what is referred to as the "NEW BYPASS just recently built what, less than 10 years ago?

  12. The idea of doing a U Turn at Zion Road is a bad one. Most people do it when the light is red which means Northbound traffic has to stop to wait for them to finish. Has anyone tried to get through there between 5 & 6 every night?? Traffic is backed up to the bridge. I have almost been in an accident there several times. It's a dangerous intersection. The mess on Naylor Mill Road thanks to the on ramp at the mall being shut down is beyond ridiculous. I've been out there and every time it's backed up because no one knows what they are doing or where they are going. When they shut down 13 over the weekend due to the flooding, they had the ramp to Naylor Mill backed up for miles on the bypass. People were shooting from the left lane to get off the bypass. It was bumper to bumper and dangerous. I understand road work needs to be done, but is it worth creating backs up that can cause accidents or sending people where they have clue and causing accidents?? Every time I go by the on ramp at the mall, I see guys standing around talking or no one there at all. That isn't going to get the work done. Was only supposed to be shut down 3 weeks. It's been a heck of a lot longer than 3 weeks. Also, they need to work in one spot at a time on the bypass instead of creating a mess like they have.

  13. If you are coming from the north and heading to OC, take a left at the State Police Barracks at Dagsboro road, then a right @ Brown, left @ the tee @ Zion, first right @ Zion Church and follow it south to Rt 50, go left.

  14. BAD news ..............

  15. Quality construction.

  16. Get ready downtown Salisbury....tourist will be here shortly!!!! Jake is working hard to improve the traffic patterns!!!!!

  17. Well we all know now that you cannot get on eastbound rt 50 bypass, at Naylor mill road. The eastbound entrance to the bypass is closed, and there is no eastbound access from rt 50 bypass split to the rt 13 bus / bypass exchange. ALL rt 50 eastbound traffic must now take bus rt 50 all the way through Salisbury. The backup was terrible last evening and is it going to be horrendous starting Friday with all the beach traffic.

    And rt 13 travelers have to now to use 13 bus all the way through Salisbury, or try to make the uturn just past the overpass and get on the southbound ramp that isn't under construction. But there is only enough room in that turn lane for about 5 cars!

    They have totally screwed up getting through Salisbury from any direction south or east.


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