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Saturday, August 05, 2017

Boy Mayor Day Only Cares About Downtown & Chain Link Fences

I know the zoo is busy looking for their missing owl at this time, but could volunteers, Boy Scouts or some group volunteer to garden the zoo sign? Salisbury embarrasses themselves enough. Do we really need to include the zoo too? Please help the zoo!

Publishers Notes: It never ceases to amaze me how the City wants to fine you for weeds growing in your curbs or sidewalks but rarely do you ever see them maintaining their own property. Remember last week when the children in the Mayors office pounded their chest because after two decades they finally realized they should pull weeds in just one area of Salisbury. Well here's yet another example of abuse. The Zoo Director should be FIRED immediately and if the Staff doesn't want to keep the Zoo maintained, fire them too. 


  1. Salisbury has become an absolute clusterfu** under Day. I have heard all the uprising about the downtown construction and happened to cut through the other day, what EXACTLY is the purpose? The only thing going on in this block of main street are lawyers offices

  2. Has anyone seen the commercial on Weather Channel. "It's Happening" Makes it look like downtown is a bustling area when its not. Jake Day's hands raised hollering "it's happening". What a joke. What a waste of money.

  3. If zoo employees don't have time to pull the weeds, what do they all do while they are at work? Surely, someone there could take time to make the place look nice for their guests.

  4. Disgusting. No pride by Zoo manager or any elected officials who must ride by there regularly. Just another example of how City is circling the drain. Must be really impressive to those attending the softball and other tournaments who may venture to the Zoo. Shame on all responsible.

  5. The stupid "it's happening" commercial is not to promote the town, but for goofy's ego.

  6. To all of us that don't buy into Jake day and his close confidants were now considered to be salty, crusty people. Because we've seen their fraud and bullsh** and now its just senseless chatter amounting to the same old same

    1. Its funny to read your statement. Every year this same group is in desperation of some sort of breakthrough or opportunity for things to move in a different direction yet they continue with the same psycho babble and selfish wants and agendas

  7. Jake day how's that "hope dealer" propaganda working out for you all??

  8. If a bar was put in the city park he would be there for another photo opportunity and it would be cleaned up.

  9. Civic Center grounds aren't much better


  10. Can Jake be 'goated' into action to get the grass trimmed?

  11. I ride by there everyday, between the zoo and elks "golf course" I don't know what looks the worst. very embarrassing for the center of Salisbury.

  12. Trying to move to Florida but they are in a housing bubble with prices skyrocketing.

  13. The Zoo is a joke, has been for awhile. Keepers are a joke and think they are too good to pull weeds. I say clean the swamp and recruit some real talent...


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