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Monday, August 21, 2017

Boston Free Speech Rally Ends Early After Protesters Get Escorted Out By Police

A Boston, Mass., free speech rally was cut short after police officers escorted the participants from the premises early Saturday afternoon.

The “Free Speech” rally, hosted in the Boston Common for “libertarians, conservatives, traditionalists, classical liberals, Trump supporters or anyone else who enjoys their right to free speech,” ended about an hour after it started, with Boston police officers showing up to escort some of the participants from the area, reports MassLive.

Only about 40-60 people showed up in support of the free speech event, while thousands of counter-protesters came out to rally against the “Free Speech” rally, according to local media reports. One of the speakers for the event said the rally ended up “falling apart” due to poor planning on the part of the organizers.



  1. This says it all. Libs protesting free speech and right to assemble. Obamas mission is complete.

  2. Obama's mission is complete.

    August 21, 2017, at 12:39 PM

    No, it is not. It will still continue until total destruction has occurred. Aided by like-minded people like Killary and uncle Joe Biden. We haven't been divided enough yet and not enough blood has been spilled.

    But it's coming.

  3. This is why this event was described over the mainstream media as a loving peaceful protest. If they had not escorted those people out of the event to protect their own safety all hell would have broken loose.

  4. The attackers are probably paid $25 an hour on Craigslist ads. Figure it out, LEO! It's not the protesters that bought a permit, it's Soros' idiots being paid to attack them.

    Wise up.


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