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Thursday, August 31, 2017

Armed Suspects Rob Pub Full Of Police Officers Attending Party

Two men who police said robbed a pub in Woodlawn may not have expected it to be full of police officers.

Baltimore County police have two suspects in custody who they said robbed a pub Tuesday night at gunpoint.

The armed suspects walked in to Monaghan's Pub a little before 5:30 p.m. Tuesday. It turns out that the pub was hosting a police officer's retirement party with dozens of off-duty officers in attendance.

"I'm sure that they weren't planning on there being a large room filled with police officers," Baltimore County police Officer Jennifer Peach said.



  1. By just looking at those two you know they are members of a very intelligent race.

    1. What a devisive statement. Did you know there are dumb people in every race?

      #OneAmerica #Unitedwestand

    2. Would you go into a bear or lions den and take food from it? No. These two are morons and deserved the beating they got. They're lucky they didn't get killed!

  2. Looks like suspect #2 fell down.

  3. I love that story!

  4. sue them. what gave those officers the right to brutalize those poor men ?

  5. Dr. Low and Professor Slow

  6. Just made my day!

  7. Anon 1:48 By just looking at your comment I can tell you are a member of a very intelligent race as well.

  8. No doubt the suspects tripped off the curb when they tried to run. Too bad the cops were not a group of Marines.... Did you know you can break a few bones falling off a sidewalk???

  9. Woodlawn is a rough area. Up the road is the park where all the dead bodies turn up.

  10. Looks like one of them fell down on the end of a table several times!

  11. I totally agree with your comment 1:48 , 17% of the population with 87% of the crimes. Of course other races have issues , but not to the magnitude of these.
    Lucky they are still alive.

  12. Define devisive please , it's not in my dictionary Ellen Perdue.

  13. HAHA! Look at that clown on the right.

    "Tough day at the office!"

  14. It appears the comment was made about the race shown Ellen. Great outcome, doesn't get much better. Lucky it was police and not non-police, they would have had some street justice. What do they expect going inside and taking what belongs to someone else. Pure trash....

  15. We know who fell upstairs and who didn't lol.

  16. oh no....can Mosby get involved with this one since it involves the police?

    Gosh I hope not because it was truly a beautiful story with a very happy ending for ALL!!!!!


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